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Naruto POV

i watched as zoro strapped his swords on, the water in my lungs hurting my throat "well shit! that was a terrible first fighting impression!

i growled and sent a rasengan at the stupid fish those evil little creatures.

i walked over the water to the cage, the weird the masked dude didn't seem to be targeting luffy but rather sanji.

huh and captain hadn't figured that out yet. giving another of the guys a chakra punch i grinned as he blasted off.

in no time the ugliest sanji to have ver been seen revealed himself and was indeed after sanji

sulking I watched as sanji got to kick his face in and sparkles appeared in both mine and the captains eyes as we saw what the ugly sanji now looked like


both me and luffy thought it was the coolest thing ever! i stuck by luffys side though in case the man still hated him.

suddenly a searing pain reached through my arms and i was practically burning with chakra, desperate to release it, i refused to. to do that would cause a huge beacon in whatever shape that would draw the evil marines straight to us.

flinching at the pain i stood not showing any of the pain on the outside just as i'd learned in the war.

i was in a chakra sensory overload and anything other than me with chakra touches me and i wasnt likely to be standing afterwards.

luckily this world didn't have much normal chakra there was only miniscule traces in the normal people in the crew. keeping my back straight and the pain into my eyes i smiled the biggest grin i could.

the man Duval, thanked sanji for the face change and left his snail number.

after they left and we set sail for sabody archipelago I went to a shielded corner on deck away from the others and used a small amount of the massive chakra build up and created a wind barrier around my body and surrounded the wind barrier in water.

i curled into a ball determined to ride out the pain, releasing all the built up chakra into the water and wind.

suddenly a hand reached through the water reaching for my skin hidden under the layer of air.

the hand grabbed my shoulder and the persons own small amounts of chakra sent me to my knees.

growling at the pain i stood and lifted my head to see the concerned eyes of the first mate.


Zoro POV

would you look at that, the shitty cook can only rearrange a face to get praise HAH if it was me i'd have chopped off that hideous hair.

i has been over twelve hours since we saw that annoying fish riders and i haven't seen naruto since.

it was the next morning when after not seeing him, i told luffy, luffy frowned his eyes were worried but his face still held that unnaturally large grin.

i sighed as everyone began searching the ship, calling out his name even franky who hadn't really seemed to like him all that much.

it was another two hours later when i began to lose hope of finding him that i stumbled over something that was very peculiar.

in the corner of the deck in the shadows was a perfect sphere of water which was slightly glowing blue.

crouching down i looked into the water and saw tufts of yellow hair.

gulping at the blue colour i reached my arm into the water through the pocket of air and grabbed naruto's shoulder.

the sudden lack of water and a ninja on his knees his face etched in pain was not the reaction i was expecting.

frowning i went to touch him but thought better and watched as he raised his head concerned at the extremely pale eyes.



after i'd gotten up i'd set my internal log pose as nami called it for sabody archipelago, checking with her if it was right and went to the bottom of the ship.

i ran into franky and he saw the pain hidden in my eyes.

lifting me up with his thankfully metal hand carried me to a chair and set me down in his ship write room.

handing me an apple to eat he asked me what was wrong.

i grimaced and told him " the chakra from the sage, its taking over my system... i can't hold all the chakra or i will explode, but i can't release it or whatever happens won't be good.

i could see him thinking and suddenly the apple in my hand started growing, i reigned in my chakra as the plant creeped itself across the room.

i gasped at the effort of keeping my chakra in complete check.

i could see a calculating look on his face as he brought be to the back of the ship where he kept his unusable inventions.

there at the front was a huge barrel linked to what looked like a few cannons.

grinning at it i asked him why it hadn't worked, he frowned and said " i don't have anything that could be shot out like that which isn't going to sink the ship."

i instantly understood, picking up the barrel with ease i carried it to deck and grabbed franky making sure he was coming before sitting on the water with him the ship only slightly further in the distance.

I placed the barrel on the solid water and unsealed my sealing kit.

creating a huge ass sealing scroll was easier than most would think and once i was done the barrel might be able to hold all the chakra from the white burning mark.

finished i stood taking franky aways a bit so he wouldn't accidentally get hit i placed my hands on the seal and began forcing all the chakra through my arms.

the barrel was glowing and when i was finally exhausted the barrel was barely containing it all.

i carried the barrel over to a stunned franky and i ran dragging him behind me to the ship where the extra chakra was kept for franky to tinker with.



hey guys I wrote this chapter for @Saniya Moosvi

thanks for all the support and heres the next chapter,

can anyone who reads my is it worth it fanfic please comment i'd love to know


The writer -k

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