Chapter 2

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"Where are we supposed to be going?" I yell to Cleo, holding her hand tightly as we move through the crowd. Cleo keeps walking, either unable to hear me, or too busy focusing on where she's going. My Converse pound harshly against the concrete as we near a window that says "Tickets" above it.
"Hi! I'm Cleo Hemingway, I won two back stage passes from 95.3. Do I collect them here?" Cleo's voice is fiercer than it usually is, her mouth set in a very small smile. The ticket lady smiles brightly and reaches into a drawer.
"Yep! They're right here. I'll just need you to sign a couple things here and here," Cleo signs as the lady points. The lady hands over two lanyards and two tickets before taking back the pen and paper. "Okay. Please put the lanyards on and keep them visible at all times. I'll have someone send security over and you'll be able to meet the band here soon." The ticket lady smiles and radios for a security member as Cleo and I step off to the side. A tall man in a black shirt walks over to us, the word "Security" written on it.
"Follow me please, and don't dwaddle." The man speaks in a low voice to Cleo and I before walking away. We follow him, soundlessly and briskly.
A couple minutes later, the man opens a black door, gesturing for us to enter. People rush around us, some wearing headsets and most yelling directions. Several tall men in black Security shirts stand along the side, watching the scene silently.
"Hi, my name's David, I'm the boys' manager. Are you two the lucky girls with the all access passes?" A balding man with a high voice asks, walking up to Cleo and I. She smiles brightly and nods.
"Yep! That's us!" She says, standing on her toes, a habit we both have from dancing. David gives both of us a full body glance, causing Cleo's smile to falter and her to tug at her crop top.

 David gives both of us a full body glance, causing Cleo's smile to falter and her to tug at her crop top

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"Right." David says suddenly, clapping his hands. "If you'll follow me, the boys should be ready by now." He turns and around and Cleo and I trail behind him. She glances sideways at me and grabs my arm.
"C'mon." She says, smiling lightly. "No need to round house kick him."
"It was fucking creepy, what do you mean 'No need to kick him'?" I growl under my breath. She rolls her eyes lightly and hugs me sideways.
"Shush. Let's just try to have fun." She smiles at me again, and I can't help but grin back.
"Here we are." David says and opens a door.

A/N boom bam shazam. Guess who's making a surprise appearance next chapter?!? The people you came here for 🙂 Anyways, a picture of Cleo at the top and off to the side, a picture of the girls' outfits. Leave a comment and don't forget to vote. Much love!!!
❤️ A.R

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