Chapter 13: Crazy Moments

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DARA'S POV sleepy. I snuggled closer to the pillow-like form beside me and hug it a little more tighter. comfy. This pillow smells good too. I wonder if they'll let me keep it once we arrived home.


Wait...five more minutes...

Poke! Poke!

Argg!! Let me sleep more!!!

Poke! Poke! Poke!!!!!

I swatted the hand of that someone who continuously poking my face. Can't they see i'm in the middle of exploring dreamland? Pssht! I switched position to make myself more comfortable when i suddenly heard someone clearing his throat. I tried to open my right eye and peeked who the hell is disturbing my beauty rest.

Hmm...a jaw? The pillow has a jaw?!

I opened my other eye and saw a flawless cheek right in front of my face. OH..MY....GHAAADD!!!

I abruptly pulled away when i saw that the pillow is the dragon himself. I even bumped my head on the window because of too much force. Ouch!

I saw a smile crept to his lips but was replaced with a smirk when he saw me looking at him.

"Feeling too comfortable are we?" He said while shaking his head. He fixed his jacket and raised a brow looking at me intently.

I felt my cheeks burned as i nursed my poor skull. "I'm sorry, i thought..."

"You thought your hugging your prince charming?" He finished my sentence as he crossed his arms.

"What? What prince charming?" I asked denying what he just said. How did he know that i was dreaming of my prince?

" prince...." he mimicked in a girly tone and looked at me again. Is that how i sounded? I felt my blood rushed up to my face again feeling embarrassed.

"I didn't say that!" I said looking around us to check if someone heard him. Good thing everyone is sleeping and currently exploring their own dreamland as well.

"How would you know? You were knocked out dead while drooling." He said as he checked his jacket if i left some of my DNA on him. "And why are you so into that guy? He's stupid and a moron. What a combination...stupid moron." He said and chuckled at his own joke.

Here he goes again, mocking my prince charming. "Hey, back off. He didn't do anything to you, so why do you hate him so much?" Now its my turn to cross my arms.

"I told you, he's nothing but a pretty face." He nonchalantly said and looked forward ignoring me.

"Hahaha. You just admitted that he's handsome." I told him while pointing my finger at him. I looked forward as well and stared at the television installed in front of the bus.

"But not as handsome as i am." He quietly said and shrugged his shoulder, feeling proud of himself.

"Conceited! Don't compare yourself to him. He's kind."

"Kind? Do you even know how many girls cried because of him?" He commented and stared at me again.

"I didn't know your into gossips. And besides, maybe they're not meant for each other." I replied feeling irritated at his comments. How can he criticize him without even knowing him?

My Mortal Enemy #143Where stories live. Discover now