Chapter 3

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The next two classes before lunch went by in a daze, I was so unfocused that I almost fell asleep in History. Luckily Karston was in my class and just happened to kick my foot everytime my eyes would start to drift downward, though I can't say the same about my foot, it hurt as if a bee stung it.

Turns out Karston was right about one thing, I was turning into a celebrity fast. between classes on the five minute break about ten boys would come and introduce themselves to me and offer to walk me to class. I said no to all of them except this tall and cute red head. As we strolled down the hallway people kept staring so I asked him what grade he was in. Thats how I found out he was a freshman. Karston was bawling his eyes out when I saw him in History after telling him the story.

"You should have seen your face when you found out he was a freshman it was like scared lion face!" Tracy sat down with me at an outside piknik table, laughing as much as Karston was this morning.

"Can we just not talk about that?" I asked silently while picking at my burger in front of me.

I looked up at Tracys un-responsive body. She was looking shyly across the table, I looked in that direction to where a slouched Karston sat barrying his head in a book. I looked back over a Tracy catching her in the act, she blushed and looked down into her salad.

"Hey Karston." I said trying to tear his eyes away from his book.

He mumbled out an answer that sounded like hold on. In turn he barried he face deeper as if the page was about reaveal some deep dark secret. I went back to nibbling on my burger and scanning across the campus.

I noticed very quickly that this school was full of cliques, jocks, preps, band nerds, but one group seemed to stand out the most. Sitting in the middle of all the piknic tables was a fountain with a bench running around the edges of it. On the those benches sat the seniors, my eyes falling on one in particular.

It was if I had called out his name and his beautiful golden brown eyes drifted toward mine. I smirked and he returned it narrowing his eyes. A girl with long golden locks of blonde hair then sat slowly on his lap and started playing witht he collar of his shirt instantaniously grabing his attention, pulling his eyes away from mine he planted a rough kiss on her lips.

My stomach dropped as my eyes stayed glued to the sight in front of me. The girl pulled back and started sucking on his neck, he looked up in the sky eyes closed mouth open, probably whispering some choice words. When she was done she planted a soft kiss on his lips, whispered something in his ear and skimpered away with her firends, her little black skirt rising and showing some cheek. I looked away from her in discused and turned back to James to find that he was already staring at me, laughing and smirking in a mocking way. I felt my face go red and numb and I looked down, my stomach dropping even further.

"No you can't! it's not possilbe! What kind of a person would end a book like that!" I flinched at the harshness of Karston's voice.

"Chill Karston, it's just a book!" I said slowly rising my eyes up to look at him.

"It's not just a book! It's The Hunger Games!" He threw the book roughly across the table, almost hitting Tracy.

"I agree complety." Tracy said quietly with her head down.

With no reponse she looked up shyly at Karston, simoltaniously flipping through the pages of his book. She handed his it back to him, he took it never taking his eyes off her.

"Thanks." He said placing his book in his backpack.

I lowered my eyes to my tray, picking up my burger and taking a huge bite, wed slowly savouring the taste of it before taking another huge bite.

"Hey Macie, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me this saturday?"

I looked up at my ongoing admirer and spite out my food at the sight of him. Standing with his tall frame over me I took him in from his Nike shoes to his red headed hair, his brown eyes poured into mine awaiting my answer, when none came he continued.

"My mum has the day off work, so I could get her to drive us somewhere, say dinner and a movie."

With that I started choking on the little bits of burger that had made its way down my throat, my so called friends were standing there laughing so hard no soud was coming out. I peered across the campus to see that everyone, including James were looking at me, trying to hold in laughter while awaiting my answer.

"Uh no." I said when my throat was clear enoujgh so I could choke out an answer.

"But remember when I walked you to class, I bet about twenty-five guys asked you if they could walk you and you only said yes to me." He stood there grinning.

"Thats only becuase I didn't you you were a freshman, hell you can't even drive! I don;t want your mama taking me anywhere on Saturday and I deffinatly don't want you to take me anywhere either."

His smile fell and he walked away.

There was a moment of silence before the whole campus erupted with laughter. I saw the red-head go up to James, who handed him over what looked like a twenty dollar bill. I felt my mouth open into an O before pressing into the tightest line you could ever imagine. gathering up all my courage I stomped over to James ignoring the pleads for me not to from Tracy and Karston behind me.

As soon as I stood infront of him he fell silent, a look of amusment in his eyes, the crowd had also settled and was waiting to see what would come out of my mouth next.

"You no good son of a bitch, you have to pay some kid to come over and ask me out! what the hell, you can't just do it yourself." I felt my temper rise.

"Okay first of all your making it seem as if I wanted to ask you out, which I would never do in a million years. Second this is payback, you don't mess with seniors becuase we will just make your life a living hell. Understand." He spoke camly, total opposite of my flaring tone.

He shifted his neck exposing the hickey that the blonde haired girl had left and my words fell from my mouth. My angry temper simmered down to embarrassment as I couldn't tear my gaze away from it. James cleared his throat awaiting my answer and I looked up into his eyes, his expression unreadable.

"Understand?" He repeated. 

"This isn't over."

With that one sentance I regained all of my confedince and stalked back to my table, the second time for the day leaving him speechless, and I meant every word of it.


HELLO! so how'd yeah like it? you should tell me in a comment! haha!



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