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Her chin was shivering as she was speaking
She couldn't​ pronunce the words correctly
She was swallowing the lump in her throat endlessly

She tried to stop the tears from running down her red cheeks
She was restless
Her hands were going through her hair as she coercion herself to calm down

She doesn't even bother to wipe the tears off of her face

Her hand was Shivering out of control
Her voice was shaky
She forced her troat to help her speak
But finally she left the hall
She left the hall .. with bunch of words unsaid

She ran to her room
Lucked the door
Could hear her sniffing loud
Now she isn't trying to pull the words out of her heart and soul
She is no longer controlling her tears
she is just hollering and crying

Though soon,
She will come out of her room
Soon she will cover
Soon she will be ok
Soon she will smile
I do have belief on her resistance
No matter what and how ... She is always standing on her feet .

She is just her .


Emotional Drizzle Where stories live. Discover now