H.E Week

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Staring at his eyes, mouth a little open, I was like, "Okay." Damn, he is cute. Oh God, Bambam don't be normal. Don't be normal! I signed the paper with my number and gave it back to him. The rest of us put our names and number too. Up to now, I have no fucking idea of this H.E week. What kind of team building is this? And why there are no classes for one week. Yes, one week! Something to consider for me not to leave this place because they give one week no classes every semester.

So apparently every semester, they have the H.E week. They have a student organization who organizes this event with a different theme every semester. Sometimes they go to a reserved eco-park or do sports fest in the gymnasium. The professor will be the team leaders of each team. I can see in their faces whenever they talk about this H.E week, they are furious and excited to compete. This is exciting, seeing your professors competing with one another. Is there slapping game part in it? I hope so, that would me more interesting.

My phone beeped. Oh, it is a message from an unknown number. I don't really reply to that kind of messages. Sometimes it's just wrong number or worse, promotions via texts. Delete message. Who would message me? Not KP of course, I deleted his number. Oh shit, exactly! I delete his number, maybe that was him? Oh, another message from the same number? "Hi, Mello here." Oh, who the fuck is he? and how did he get my number? Another message from him, "Meeting time at 7:00 A.M sharp. There is a crown if you will be late. Wear something blue." WTF, it's the H.E week from tomorrow. Why has it to be so early? Can't they just move to 11:00 P.M?

I am lazy as always, in everything if you will ask. I love to sleep more than food. I love food and sleep more than anything else. Getting up for this event is seriously madness. I know I'm a grumpy cat, but I really am. I'm not a morning person. And guess what, I'm late for three minutes and I'm running my ass off to the entrance of the fucking mall. I finally arrived, and they all clapped. This is how you start your day, humiliating yourself. They crowned me with a slipper because I am late. You are welcome!

Some of them are also late, so I am not the only one. Yes! Thanks to them I don't have to humiliate myself alone. Lining up here makes me feel like I'm back to grade school. "Hi! Is it your first H.E week?" some lady asked. "Obviously? Hi! Bambam." introducing myself while shaking hands with her. "Wow, her name is Bambam. Name's Mhay. Did you know their names already? It's part of the game." What the fuck? Is she being serious now? It's my assignment to know everyone's name? Great! Sarcasm on!

"Yes, sure! I can tell none of it." I replied with a smile and she laughed. "Come here!", she said. She introduced me to her boyfriend named Michael, Ma'am Joemen, Kate, Mariz, Jaja, Christopher, and Mello. Oh, that's the guy who messaged me. The cute guy who asked me to sign for my phone number. "Hi, Bambam! How are you?", Christopher asked. And I was like "He-he, I'm okay." Smiled a little bit because he is being so jolly to meet me. That was insane, right? When someone you just knew and they are being so nice to you and being creepy because they are too nice. In my mind, I am like "what do you want?". Mhay started to tease Mello about Jaja, "Hey! Monkey!" She smiled so big and looked at Jaja at the corner. "Whatever, Mhay!", Mello replied.

"She is the ex," Kate whispered to me. Okay, now there is Ex. How long do they know each other? No, not Mello and Jaja, but the whole team. It seems like they know each of everyone for a long time. "they are cute right? Two small kids fell in love with each other. Lol." she added. Yes, that is certainly cute. Looking at them, they seem not talking to each other. Of course, who will talk to their exes? Do you talk to your ex? I don't do that. Since K.P and I broke up, I never speak to him. There was one time that his friends who were my friends too, came to visit me at home. They were wondering why we broke up. And of course, I don't give a fuck. I told them to ask him "why?" and anyway, I am okay with my single life as of the moment.

I kept quiet and just observe them. The usual me, observant of everything, of everyone especially in a busy place. That is where you will see everything, by sitting away from them and just look at the scene. All of a sudden, Sir Joey came to our attention. "Welcome to the H.E week, everyone! I am sure everyone is excited to compete with each other. Line up here! Each team, please! And we will go to our campus and start our challenges. Find your height!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. What the fuck? Find your height? That's offensive for my height. I feel that I'm the smallest in our team. Suddenly, I saw Mello staring at me. What does he want? Why is he staring at me? "Go first." he said. Oh! Go before him? Yeah, right! Because he is a bit taller than me.

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