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After the party, the next day, I talk to my friends just to confirm my feelings toward Sehun. I still remember what Emma said.


"It's hard to say this Hayoung. But I have a question?"

I look at her and ask what.

"I'm not going to repeat what Mark said to you. Because in my opinion, you love him by whatever you told us. But I want to ask this. What would you feel, if one day he got fed up waiting for you, which that won't ever happen, but if that happen, and he found another girl to date, what would you feel? And that time, you just realize that you love him. But it's all too late. What would feel?" Emma said.

"Jealous." I said without even I notice that I just said it.

"There you go. Jealous. Do you know why people feel jealous if the girl sees a guy with another girl?"

"Because she loves him." I said looking at her.

"That's it. There you go again. You got your answer." Emma said.

"Hayoung, when Mark told you to close your eyes and see if it's really him, what did you see? Did you see him?" Wendy asks.

"Yes I did. I see him smiling at me." I admit.

Wendy smile at me and said "Hayoung, you love him. To tell the truth is, I felt the same way with Mark. I was not sure about my feelings, but when I close my eyes or when to sleep, he will appear first. I will think about him without any reasons. I know you're scared but Hayoung, it's a time to move on and live your life. Leave your past behind and create a new life. The life that you always wanted. The life that you always dream of."

It hit me and it hit me hard. Emma and Wendy were right. I really need to live a life that I always wanted and dream off. Just thinking about him, make me smile.

Then I remember that valentine day is another two days. I'm going to say I love him on that day.

I look at them and thank them. They smile and Emma said "No problem. We will always there for you. Remember, were sisters

End of Flashback

Today is the day. The day that I'm going to confess that I love him and I hope he still love me like he use to.

I walk to his locker and slip a piece of paper in her locker and walk straight to my class.


I walk to my locker thing about what happen to Hayoung suddenly. It's been two days she's been ignoring me. It makes me worry. Does she hate me?

I open the locker and a piece of paper fall. I take it and open it.

Meet me at the front gate at 5pm. I have something to tell. I'll be waiting.

- O.H.Y -

When I read it, I smile. I know the initial name. It's none other than my angel. But what is it that she wanted to talk about. I'm getting worry now.


After the class, I look at my watch and it's already 5 in the evening. I ran to the front gate and there she was, my beautiful angel waiting for me. But I notice something. She looks nervous.

I walk toward her.

"Hey. Sorry for keep you wait. Suddenly our lecturer wanted to release us late."

"It's okay. Shall we go now?" Hayoung said.

I nod and ask "Yeh, sure. But where are we going?"

"To the beach. Is it okay with you?"

I nod and we went to the beach. Once we arrive, we walk through the beach. Hayoung was walking at the edges and let the wave wet her leg. We walk in a very comfortable silent. I look at her and she still looks nervous.

So I decide to ask. "Angel, is everything alright? You look nervous."

She looks at me and nodded her head. "Yes. Everything's fine." And we keep on walking.

Suddenly she asks "Sehun, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can. You can ask me anything." I said and smile at her assure her that it's alright to tell me anything that she wants to tell me.

"Why do you call me angel?"

I smile and said "Well went I first saw you, you look so sweet, pretty and innocent. Just like an angel. Then when I start to know you from your friends and Arvin, it makes me realize that you are really an angel. That's why I call you an angel. Well there is another reason to. You came when I already close my heart and hates girl since I got cheated before. But when I saw you, I don't know why, my heart start to skip a beat and I start to open my heart for you. So automatically, you are my angel."

She smile and nodded her head. Then we continue walking. Then I said "Hey, its valentine day. So happy valentine day."

"Same goes to you. Don't you have date to go today?" she asks.

I smile and said "I am on my date."

She frowns as if she didn't understand. Oh, my sweet and innocent angel. So I tell her.

"Well, for me a date is going somewhere or spends some time with the person we love. So I am walking on the beach with the girl that I really love. So it's a date."

She smile and blush. While we were walking, a strand hair was covering her face from me seeing it. I move it and tug it behind her ear.

She looks at me startle maybe from what I did. She thanks me.

I stop and pull her by her elbow and turn her around to face me.

"Angel, what happen? You look nervous. Is there something troubling you. You can tell me anything and I will help you."

She looks at me and I know there is something she wants to tell me but she's scared. I pull her near me, cupped her face and said again "What is it, angel? Tell me. You know I promise you I'll be there for you. Tell me what is it that you want to tell me."

She closed her eyes and takes a deep breath. The next word came from her lips make me shock, smile and happy.

"I love you, Sehun. I don't from when, but I just realize that I love you." She said and I can hear nervous from her voice. That what she was scared to tell about.

I pull her in my arm and hug her tightly. "Hayoung, you don't know how happy you make me. You just make the happiest man in the world."

She hug me back and said "Promise me Sehun you won't leave me all alone and always stay with me."

"I promise angel. I promise. You don't need to worry about that." I pull her from the hug and look at her. She opens her eyes and our eyes met. I pull her closer to me and whisper I love you before kissing her. To my surprise, she kiss me back.

We pull off because we were out of breath. "Say it again, Hayoung. I want to hear it again."

"I love you, Oh Sehun."

I pull her again in my arm and kiss her head. "I love you too. So really much."


MY FIRST & LAST LOVE SEASONS 4 (SEYOUNG)Where stories live. Discover now