Song Drabble #9: SHINee - Hello

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Tao was walking around the Gucci store looking for a bag that will suit his taste. He’s been searching around and found nothing until he reached the far end part of the store and saw a travelling bag that he can use when he’s out with his members or friends. He smiled and was about to reach for it when a small hand grabbed it first. He frowned and was about to confront the owner of the hand, but instead he was stunned. The girl holding the bag that he likes is gorgeous. He was still staring at the girl when the latter noticed that someone was staring at her. She turned to her left and saw a fierce yet cute guy staring at her like he saw something that doesn’t exist. She waved her hand on front of the guy and giggled when the guy jumped obviously startled.

“Are you ok?” the girl asked.

“Y-yeah.” Tao stuttered.

“I’ll get going then.” The girl smiled and waved. But before she could even reach the counter, Tao tapped her shoulder and gave her a puppy eyes.

“What’s wrong?” the girl asked.

“Uhm….The bag.” Tao pointed at the bag.

“Do you want it?” she asked as Tao nodded and pouted without him even realizing.

The girl giggled and handed Tao the bag.

“You should have told me earlier I’ll let you have it if you asked for it.” She smiled.

“Thank you.” Tao smiled and bowed.

“No problem!” the girl bowed back and was about to leave when again Tao reached for her.

“What is it?” she asked.

“What’s your name?” Tao cutely asked.

“I’m ______ and you?” she smiled.

“My name is Tao.” Tao bowed.

“Oh! You’re not Korean aren’t you?” ______ asked.

“I’m Chinese.” Tao answered.

“Woah! I wanted to go to China ever since I was a kid! Tell me all about China!” _______ excitedly jumped.

“O-ok. I’ll just pay for the bag.”  Tao smiled and paid the bag and went back to where ______ is.

“KAJA!!!” ________ dragged Tao to the nearest restaurant and as promised, Tao told her about China and of course about themselves.

The two were chatting for a long time that they didn’t noticed that it’s already past dinner.

“OMO! It’s 8pm already I have to go home.”_________ said.

“Me too. My hyungs are probably worried.” Tao smiled.

They went out of the store and went on their separate ways. As Tao reached their dorm, he went straight to Kris and tells him about what happened the whole day.

“TAO’S IN LOVE!!!!” Kris exclaimed earning cheers and teasing from his hyungs.

“Tell us everything from the beginning and we’ll help you capture her heart!” Luhan smiled.

Tao heaved a sigh before telling them the happenings on that day. His hyungs and dongsaengs are all ears and gave their suggestions ans opinions on how to make _______ fall for him.

Time seems to fly so fast that it’s already been 3 months since Tao and _______ became friends and seeing their progress, it’s the right time for Tao to confess.

Following his hyungs, Tao prepared everything he’ll be needing for his confession. Riding on his Luhan hyung’s convertible Tao looked at the huge teddy bear on his left, then to the box of chocolate beside it and a cute little toy where he wrote his feelings for her and the velvet box that the bear is holding with a couple ring inside.

He heaved a sigh before coming out of the convertible, with flowers in his hands. He stood by her door and rang the doorbell finally seeing the girl he fell in love the first sight with.

_______ smiled seeing Tao by her door and let him in. She led her to the living room and made him sit on the couch across her.

“So what brings you here?” ______ asked.

“Noona, I want to tell you something important.” Tao looked at _______.

“What is it?” _______ frowned.

“I-I like you noona. I really really like you.” Tao bit his lip looking at ______ nervously waiting for her reply.

“I like you too Tao.” _______ smiled.

Tao finally smiled and handed ________ the flowers.

“It’s my favorite flower.” _______ smiled and took a sniff onto the flowers.

“I have something to show you. Come with me.” Tao took ______ hand and led her to the car. He opened the door and showed her what’s inside.

“Oh my gosh! You did this for me?!” ________ took the huge teddy bear and gave it a squeeze.

“Look at the bear’s hands.” Tao pointed.

“Oh!.” ______ took the box and looked at Tao after seeing what’s inside.

“I hope you liked it.” Tao rubbed his neck.

“I love it.” ______ smiled and pulled Tao for a hug.

Tao smiled and hugged her back but pulled away and kissed her lips. ______ smiled and kissed back with the same passion. Feeling the need to breathe they pulled away and smiled.

“ASSA!!!!!” Kai and Sehun high-fived.

“Another hyung we can blackmail!” Sehun smirked.

“Let’s  go back. That panda might see us.” Kai chuckled and went back to the dorm with Sehun.


Sorry for the slow update! *BOW 90 degrees*

I was busy job hunting and hopefully get hired.


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