Let's go Swimming!

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    Alright, it's time for a bit more fun. Since Spring time is upon us (closer to some than others) it's been figured out by yours truly that now it's time for a little bit of fun. 

    It appears that our nonhuman friend Dustin has decided to invite everyone to the Bahamas! Everyone to the beaches!!

   In speaking of beaches, why not have a bit of swim wear huh? Dustin wants to show off. And so, he has himself a nice little exhibition to show everyone.

 And so, he has himself a nice little exhibition to show everyone

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  You're welcome. And yes, his sister Gabriella is apart of this idea.

     If anyone gets any funny ideas about her, they'd better hope that our boy Dustin isn't in the mood to kill

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     If anyone gets any funny ideas about her, they'd better hope that our boy Dustin isn't in the mood to kill.

     If anyone gets any funny ideas about her, they'd better hope that our boy Dustin isn't in the mood to kill

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    Oh hello there Miles, I guess you can have fun here too, huh?

    Oh hello there Miles, I guess you can have fun here too, huh?

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