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Haha. Someone needs to take caps lock away from me before I blast someone's ears off.

totoroiscute36 asked where I get my ideas. Well honestly I just write to fix things that I don't like in my fandoms. For example, in La La Land, I really liked the fact that they didn't get together at the end, but a little part inside of me wanted that to happen later in there lives. Then, City of Stars magically sprouted from that idea, and that's basically it!

storyrighter13 asked where I get my inspiration from. Musicals! I really like to watch different versions of the same musical to see how different people can change the way a script is viewed. I try to remember my favorite parts and techniques to reflect in my characters' actions (aka, the A Lovely Night reprise thing I did in Is This the Start of Something Wonderful and New)  I get my writing style inspiration from a variety of books.

My question for ya'll (I think this is how it works)- Why do you write on Wattpad, or if you don't have anything published, why don't you???

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