Angel beats AU

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im not good at titles heck off

nozomi's POV

it has been a while since I have awoken in this alternate universe, the SSS explained to me how this is the afterlife and that I have died. I don't remember a thing but today the Vice President of the student council, naoi ayato, will be helping me out just like he did with otonashi.

yurippe and the others followed me down the hall into the student council room, naoi used the hypnosis powers he gained while he came to this world to put me to sleep and my memory faintly can't into view

"nozomi! come on I said get me a normal manga not this hentai thing or whatever you call it". we both giggle together as I laid the "hentai manga" on the table next to Eli's bed. she was paralyzed from the waist down ever since she was a kid, and it progressively got worse but no matter what I'll always be by her side. I met her while I was volunteering at the hospital to help out my friend maki, she became an official Doctor while I stayed here and took care of my elicchi. she reached out her hand for me to grab, "nozomi I need to ask you something, why have you been here for me for the past three years? I will never be a good lover or even an actual friend I've became such a deadbeat ever since I was little if you knew me back then you would've probably given up on me like my family did, so why have you stuck with me for so long?" I laughed a little and hugged her lightly so I didn't hurt her, "Eli I fell in love with you for you, even if you were blind, deaf even both! or any other mishap as long as I get to see your beautiful face and the feeling of your presence I will always be here for you."

I snuggled up next to her after crying I knew this wasn't allowed but what's the harm. we ended up falling asleep and then I woke up and slowly left the bed so I didn't wake her, maki then came in I haven't seen her in a while but she looks upset. "maki! it's been so long how are things?" we hugged and then she finally said something, "nozomi I came to tell you that Eli won't be alive much longer. her disease is spreading out all through her body and it's going to make her incredibly ill so I suggest you spend these next few days with her well because trust me I know how much you love her and you don't want her to suffer, she knew about it after she was told last week but I knew she wasn't going to tell you so I finally decided to, I'm so sorry."
it hit me really hard that I wouldn't be able to be with her that much longer, I went back in the bed and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with Eli holding my hand and her head nudged in my neck. I traced her jawline very lightly and that cause her to woke up and she wrapped her arms around me, "good morning mozomi I see you decided to stay over night again?" I held her closer and nodded, "nozomi I need to tell you something-", "Eli I know maki told me last night". there was silence and then I heard her faintly sobbing, "I'm sorry nozomi I just think this is for the best there's no way I'll be able to survive so I would rather die than to see you suffer", "Eli really? think more about yourself and the pain that you would endure! I love you so much I wouldn't ever want that to happen to you" she cupped my face and pulled me into a passionate kiss, i couldn't even describe how I felt. "nozomi I love you too please take care of yourself ".

the memory ended and I was bawling my eyes out, otonashi came over and hugged me from behind I still don't know how I died but how could I ever forget the only woman I loved? why isn't she in this world with me? it is so frustrating. I love you so much Eli I will never forget you.

o heck sorry if I made you cry the ending was a lil bad but o well I hope you enjoyed anyway! have a FANTASTIC DAY/NIGHT

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