Not Enough

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I know what you guys are thinking but I went back to him. I know I know I know.........
From that day forward you wouldn't believe Kenneth changed JUST A LITTLE weeks went by......months went by.......2 years went by to be exact.

Kenneth and I were in a better place. He stopped cheating for God's sake. He even went as far as to stop messing with his children's mother. That didn't change how damaged I was deep down inside. Everything was going great I started going back to school. My mother has won custody back of my little sisters I could be more happy. I'm graduating in 2 more months I was highly excited. Chineme and I were still in touch with each other. He informed me that he just had a baby and all.
I had my music blasting through the car on my way home from work. I supposed to be going to meet my principal to pay the rest of my money for school today. I'm meeting Kenneth so that he can give me the money so I can do so. Pulling up in front of the driveway I walked in. The sight of another woman in my house took so much out of me that I didn't even have the strength I just motioned for them both to leave. I asked him did he have the money for me school. He clearly stated "I'm not giving you shit". You have two jobs you don't need to think about school right now man fuck that. Feeling my blood boil I shook my head leaving the house. I wasn't going to beg his sorry ass any longer. The truth was he didn't have the money so instead of saying that he had to do extra. I headed to the school to pay and then headed home. I thought back to my sister saying "you'll know when you're tired because you're going to get up and walk away from it all". And in a matter of seconds I was packing my bags putting them into the car. I left all the furniture, dishes, etc. I was done with his sorry ass he can have this apartment and everything in it. I bust my ass for the past years to pro ide for us. I went through hell and still was going through it, but not any longer. I drove until I seen a hotel. I hopped out the car to reserve a room for a couple of days until I figured some things out. I graduate in a few months the last thing I needed was to be stressed out. I tried to avoid my negative thoughts. I thought bs k to my graduation I hoped to see Chineme and Shay there front row cheering me on. Just the thought of them two screaming I felt chills go down my back full of excitement.

2months later the day was finally here for me to graduate. Aminah and I were getting our nails done in the center of the mall. I met Aminah in school. Ever since the day we met we connected instantly and now was the best of friends. Her and I were both graduating. I called Chineme only for his phone to go to voicemail. I thought maybe he was getting ready for my big day. Kenneth has been calling me but I changed my number. So we haven't spoke since the day I left.
2 hours later we were lining up by the door. As I walked out I spotted my mother with tears in her eyes. I looked over to see my family sitting together. The look on my little sisters face made my heart melt. I was glad they were here watching me march across the stage. I reached the front of the aisle looking to see Shay screaming at the top of her lungs. Chineme was no where in sight. I felt my stomach do back flips causing a sting in my heart. Today wasn't big day and he didn't show up. I was t going to ruin my makeup so I decided to look at Shay which caused me to cheer up a little. I don't think I'll be able to continue without him being here to watch me. I would never do this to him. Just as they called my name I hesitated to walk feeling a tear escape. I seen Chineme running to grab a seat and my eyes lit up. I walked feeling a relief come over me. My heart was beating a thousand miles per hour. There they were front and center. Word couldn't describe how happy I was right now. Kenneth didn't show up and I wasn't bothered by it either. The most important people did so I was great. After the graduation was over Chineme hugged me saying he had to leave kissing my forehead. I nodded knowing him all to well. He told me he was out the streets but I knew better than to believe that. Today was my day and I'm going to worry about me I'll handle everything else later. We all agreed to go to the me Mexicans to eat. After the Mexicans we through a party at my uncle house. Aminah and I were takin hell of pictures. "Bitch we did it" she screamed walking over to me with a drink in her hand. I shook my head at how crazy this girl was. But that's why she was my friend lol. I suddenly felt hit. Today was my big day I missed Kenneth but refused to go back. I've came to far to give up now. When in reality he deserved everything he was getting from me which was my butt to kiss. I made an attempt to call him and soon as he answered the phone my heart dropped at what he said next. "Come see me" without a doubt I was over there in fifteen minutes.....

What do you think????? Is Promise going to leave him alone for good or did she just give back in???

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