Chapter 1 ~ The Accident

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Hi guys this is my first story so please don't be too hard on me. I know this isn't to good but it's the best I can do.

Trigger warning
Child abuse
Mild self harm not cutting

"Double potions with the Slytherins, great" Ron practically growled "Who comes up with this stuff"
Harry groaned. Between Vernon's send off gift, Umbridge and now bloody this, it's a bloody wonder I'm still alive he thought darkly.
He quickly finished his toast and left for the dungeons.
Being one of the first ones in Harry headed straight for the back. He dumped his stuff on the desk. And plonked himself down in a seat. Ron followed in suit. Hermione and Neville sat down. "What to you think that greasy git has cooked up for us this year?" Ron said slouching down in his chair
"Ronald don't slouch" Hermione scolded
"Yes mum" Ron muttered under his breath.
Hermione's potions text book made contact with Ron's head
"Bloody hell Hermione. What was that for" he cast her a hurt look. Which had absolutely no effect whatsoever.
"Honestly Ronald your brothers are a bad example. If you just..." she was cut short as Snape bust into the classroom robes billowing out behind him in his signature move.
"Turn to page 374." Those who hadn't taken their book from their bags fumbled around looking for them.
"Today we will be making an de-aging potion. When done correctly it enables the drinker to change to various ages depending on the amount drunk. If done incorrectly... well know one really knows." He flicked his wand at the board
"Instructions on the board...begin"
"Bastard" muttered Ron. Harry took one look at Ron's face and said
"Hermione you go with Neville. Ron you're with me." Best to keep Ron and Hermione apart for now, Harry thought wisely to himself. He was not in the mood for them fighting.

Half way through the lesson and surprisingly both Harry's and Hermione's potions were going well.
"Stir counterclockwise exactly 67 times" Ron read out loud from the text book
"Ok. Don't make me lose count this time Ron."
"'Hey, last time it was Neville."
"Whatever quiet."
Ron reluctantly shut up.
"56, 57, 58,"
Slat Hiiissss
Something was thrown in their cauldron . Harry looked up, Malfoy was looking right back at him smirking.
Looking down at the cauldron he spotted some eel eyes sinking to the bottom. Was that good or bad. Ummmm eel eyes, eel eyes. I have no idea. Harry started to panic.
"Mate chillax" Ron said attempting to be helpful.
"Ron I'm bloody fine" Harry growled "what was I up to? 58"
"59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, Done"
"What about... you know"
"Just pretend it never happened Malfoy wants us to get into trouble with Snape so just don't give him the satisfaction."
"Shut up Ron"
Snape walked around checking and bottling potions. He reached the back of the classroom. Harry held his breath. Snape peered into the cauldron and assessed the potion. He drew breath to speak,
"I do believe for the first time ever Potter you have brewed a potion adequately"
He turned around and went back to the front of the classroom.
"If we were in Slytherin he would have awarded us points the git" Ron muttered angrily.
"Shut up."
Snape was starting to speak. "Everyone who brewed a successful aging potion is to measure out 5cms into a cup. You are to drink it. I will de age you into 12 year olds. I have the antidote here that you will take on your way out. Drink"
"Damn" Ron swore. "Do you think it's safe."
"Well only one way to find out"
Harry grabbed a cup and measured out 5cms.
"Here goes nothing" before Ron could stop him Harry had drunk it all. They waited. Ron held his breath.
Suddenly Harry collapsed on the ground letting out a scream.

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