Chapter 3 ~ The Flashback

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Was Harry Potter abused? And looking at the small pitiful figure in front of me, I dare say he might be.
"Harry" I called softly. "Can you come out please" looking at the young future Griffindor I suddenly felt an overwhelming edge to protect him. I had only ever felt this way about one other, Lily.
Harry's only response was a whimper.
"Please Harry, I'm not going to hurt you" suddenly Snape was overwhelmed by a memory
...I peeked around the corner of the lounge room to see the course of the banging and daddy and mummy shouting. My five year old self not understanding the noise. I opened my eyes wider and I saw daddy hit mummy and throw a bottle at her head. It missed, i cried out, he looked up at me and started coming towards me... obsidian orbs tearing up starring at my father ripping to pieces my six year old style creation I made for him on Father's Day...
...My seven year old back burning as I endured another one of my fathers beatings with his favourite belt...
...the first time my father broke a bone... eighth birthday present, a extra bad beating from my father...
...the belt whipping down... mothers murder...
...daily beatings... ninth birthday I started spending all day everyday outside the house...
...watching a beautiful redhead girl play dolls with a
skinny horse-faced older girl...
...laying under a tree with lily...
...lily  finding out about what my father does to me... to hogwarts...
...sitting on the little three legged stool with the sorting hat on my head "SLYTHERIN"...
...James being an asshole...
..James stealing lily...
...James marring lily...
...James and lily having Harry...
...Lily's death... James following his fathers footsteps...
...James, no Harry, but he's like James, but he's Harry, no james...
I pulled myself out of my flashback gasping for breath. Dammit I'm shaking badly.
What just happened, that wasn't meant to happen I thought frantically.
Taking a deep breath I slowly calmed down from My near panic attack. I haven't had a flashback or a damn panic attack in years. Goddamn the spawn of Potter. He brought this on it's his fault.
But as much as I tried to blame this on Harry, I just can't.
I crouched back down and beside Harry and said softly
"H-Harry please come out here. I'm not going to hit you I promise. I'd never hurt you. I was you mothers friend. Please come out"
And slowly, very slowly, tiny Harry poked his head out...

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