Chapter 2 ~ Oh No

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Suddenly Harry collapsed on the ground letting out a scream.
"Harry" Ron cried.
Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, Hermione screaming, Neville jumping up out of his chair, but most surprisingly of all, Snape, running towards them and collapsing on his knees in front of Harry.
Suddenly a bright white light exploded around Harry. Everyone closed and shielded their eyes as the light slowly faded, everyone peered at the spot were Harry should be, only  to be met with a pair of bright green eyes starring up at them. Harry's eyes.
But it wasn't Harry's body. He was tiny, it was all too confusing.
"He's been de-aged" Hermione gasped. Everyone looked at her and in that moment of distraction, a certain messy haired, green eyed child made a run for it...straight into Snape's office.

"Everyone out" Snape bellowed. "Granger, Weasley wait outside, everyone else GET OUT!"
Everyone, including the Slytherin's, rushed to obey his orders. Draco lingered for a moment, but after receiving a glare from Snape, if looks could kill, he thought.
Snapes POV
With all the students out the way, I could finally deal with Potter. Of all the stupid,idiotic attention seeking feats Potter could have pulled, it had to be de-aging himself and running away, but something was out of place, the look in Potter's eyes just before he ran away. It was one I had only ever seen once before, in the mirror as a child.
That look was one of utter and complete...fear. But why, something didn't add up. I reached the door of my office. Slowly, I stretched my hand out and cautiously turned the handle. Entering my office, I shut and locked the door behind me. No harm in taking precautions I thought. I scanned the room, no Harry. Listening, I crept around the room. Suddenly I heard a whimper. I looked around confused. There it was again. It was coming from...the cupboard. I was angry now, Potter the bloody boy who lived, had the nerve to de-age himself, run away and then hid in my cupboard. By Merlin I was furious. I flung open the door only to be met with a strange sight.
Potter had curled himself up into the smallest ball that was humanly possible. He appeared to be crying.
"Potter come out this instance" I growled.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry uncle-uncle Vernon. P-please don't beat me. N-not the-the belt please" he cried out desperately.
And that was the moment my whole view of Potter changed. A dark thought was beginning to brew in my mind. Was Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, the saviour of the wizard of world, Dumbledore's golden boy, Lily's son, was he, dare I think it, was Harry Potter abused? And looking at the small pitiful figure in front of me, I dare say he might be.

Thanks to hermione-granger2004, she helped with my spelling and grammar which sucked. Please check out her stories.

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