Chapter 4 ~ I was your mothers friend

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Snapes POV

"H-Harry please come out here. I'm not going to hit you I promise. I'd never hurt you. I was you mothers friend. Please come out"
And slowly, very slowly, tiny Harry poked his head out...

"Y-you knew my-my mummy?"
"Yes Harry your mummy was my best friend"
"W-were you swad when she died in the-in the car cwash?"
They lied to them the bloody bastards he thought quickly
"Yes I was very sad when they died" I can't tell an eight years old, even the spawn of Potter that his parents were murdered
"Did you cwy"
"Why are you asking me all these questions?" I snapped. Harry's head disappeared back in the cupboard
"S-s-s-sorry sir"
"No Harry wait. I'm the one who should be sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you would you please come out"
"A-a-are y-you going to, going to h-hurt me"
"No harry I promise I'll never hurt you, please come out"
And slowly the messy haired head appeared again.
"Harry can you come out completely please"
Snape thought quickly he needs to come out, what the hell do I do? I haven't trained for this. I'm not made for this. But I have, in away. Slytherin got most abused children because they'd become cunning to get themselves out of situations. And as head of Slytherin house he had to deal with them. This wasn't so different was it was the same just with a younger child.
"Harry I'm going to stand over here" I pointed to behind my desk.
"The desk is in between you and me. Please can you come out of that cupboard"
The head disappeared again. I sighed, but then a foot with a big dirty sneaker appeared, quickly followed by another one. And slowly little Harry crawled out.
"That's it Harry" I spoke in such a gentle voice that if anyone I knew with the exception of possibly Dumbledore was blindfolded and told to identify who the voice was from I'd be the last person they'd guess. I surprised even myself.
He sat down cross legged on the floor and looked up at me with his big green eyes.
"I'm not going to hurt you Harry, I promise"
"W-was my mummy nice"
"Yes Harry she was the nicest person I've ever known"
"Did you love her"
"I-yes I er yes I did love her Harry. She was the love of my life"
"S-so if you loved my mummy does that mean your my daddy?"
I froze

Sorry sorry sorry sorry. I am terrible at updates I am so sorry. Thank you so much to everyone who voted and commented. You've probably heard this a lot from people but it really makes my day. I will try update soon... could you maybe vote and comment to motivate me??? 😋😜😝

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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