Welcome to my lame attempts of trying to interact with people more often by joining in the on the boredom books!
Rants, randomness, updates, edits, and more!
Inspired by @everyone
So it's been a while since I've been on this account Whoa Back up there, followers It's not Jasmine 'Tis be me (the other person) Anyway I figured I'd come here to just freely update things about me So
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Have some of my girlfriend She's adorable ik
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She was with her friends yesterday for Gabe's (the guy in the back) birthday party I think Yeah I know I said I was going to update about myself but then I spam you with pictures of my girlfriend Alright
WHATS THERE TO SAY Oh yeah So life's okay I guess I got Skyrim a week or so ago, so I've been playing that (Jasmine freaked out when I got it) I also spent my Saturday at the dentist and in the mall Got new shoes because my other converse Like The bottom of them became a mouth That gulps down lITERALLY EVERYTHING