The Child of Hades

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  Well what can I say things have gotten difficult lately. I thought Chaos was the biggest threat out there and now Zeus King of the Gods tells me that there is a being he fears to the core known as Kistr.

  Apparently Zeus, in an attempt to have more of me for some reason, created more universes in hopes of one day having an army of just me literally a one man army.

  I got to say I'm quite flattered, but also at the same time intrigued by the insolence of the gods. Apparently in science class all these theoretical thinkers were correct on the fact of other universes existing.

Zeus was the one who let me in on this information so I left my world behind in pursuit of these other me's. The first came from a world known as Tamriel. When I arrived I immediately knew I didn't belong here.

  I was surrounded by medieval era type people and technology. Everyone stared at me as if I was from another world which I realized I was. I walked into a bar or for better words a tavern.

I walked up to the bartender and asked for a shot and he just looked at me with a crazed look in his eyes. "Umm... an ale" I said. "There you are lad had me on the ropes there, one ale" said the bartender.

I began to focus on my other life force in this universe. I felt a name calling to me and then a face similar to mine, but different. He had longer hair and had it in a tail. His face was structured differently more longish, his ears were pointy, and his skin was as pale as the snow.

"By chance have you heard of a Saulian" I asked. "Ah he is a legend around here, recently he is suspected to be apart of the thalmor" the bartender said. "Hmm tell me more about this Saulian" I asked.

After about twenty minutes of this nord as he called himself explaining laws, religions, and history I had all the info I needed to function in this society. Apparently this other me was a legend like Achilles.

He was a half-elf and half-nord which was apparently not okay normally, but he had made a reputation for himself in the past eighty years he was in Skyrim.

  Currently he was in a province known as High Rock, I had a rough sketch of the city NorthPoint in which he was. I shadow traveled and ended up in front of a lighthouse.

This time I wasn't just stared at, about a dozen guards surrounded me and all of them seemed pissed. "Halt strange one what type of dark magic are you using" one said. "Umm I use no such thing I am a fallen angel" I said with an unsure tone.

"You look like no angel I've seen before" another said. "Let's find out if we can kill it then it is no angel" another responded. All of the guards attacked at once. I shadow traveled like a maniac slashing back and forth.

  All the guards seemed to keep up fairly well, but not well enough. I punched three of them in the face and all three fell immediately. The remaining nine charged with full power.

  I blocked all the strikes and hit all nine in the chest which hurt since they all had armor on. "Let's end this" I said as I stepped back and raised my hand to the sky. Immediately a black lightning bolt struck my hand, the power flowed through my body looking for an exit point.

  I then pointed my hand towards the guards and struck all nine at the same time. " in...oblivion did he do that" one of them said. "Like I said I'm a fallen angel" I said as I walked off.

  I made my way to another tavern or was it an inn I couldn't tell. I sat down at the back of the inn and waited. Sure enough an hour later Saulian walked in. He was hard to look at since he looked just like me.

He walked into a room and before he could close the door I shadow traveled into the chair in his room. He looked at me with a dazed look in his eyes. "Hi my names Julio Castellanos and we need to talk" I said as I stood up.

  "Are you an imperial and what do we need to discuss" Saulian asked his hand hovering over his sword. "Look there is no need for that I'm here to talk and hopefully ask for your help" I said as I put my hands up. Saulian got a stern look all of the sudden and drew his sword.

  I blocked and when our swords clashed I shadow traveled us both to a clearing in the nearby forest. "What in oblivion how did you use that spell without tiring" Saulian asked amazed.

  "Oh it's no spell and it doesn't tire me anymore" I said as I slashed the air in front of me. "What was that" Saulian asked with a smirk on his face. I sheathed my sword to complete the Darkslayers Slash.

  A cut appeared on Saulian's right arm he touched it in pain and looked at me in horror. "That's what that was" I said as I took my stance.

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