Chapter 27

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It seemed to take Asriel and hour before he finally returned with the buttercups. Chara figured that in a garden full of golden flowers, buttercups would blend easily and be rather difficult to find.
That wasn't the reason, however. Asriel had a keen sense of smell, and could find a buttercup like a needle in a haystack. He was instead sitting in the garden, his fingers piddling nervously against his leg. Was his sister really about to go through with this plan? Or was it just a big trick? Taking a big breath, he gathered a cluster of the death-dealing flowers, and hoped with all his heart that Chara wasn't actually going to eat them.
The door opened, and Asriel found Chara sitting on the couch. She didn't look apprehensive in the slightest, so maybe she was playing a trick. "Here," he said, holding out the flowers. "But I'm not gonna watch."
She took the flowers with a smile. It wasn't a happy, friendly smile, however, but a rather disturbing smile. It sent chills down Asriel's spine, and he found himself squeezing his eyes shut and looking away. "Before I do this, I feel like you should know the truth," Chara said. "I hate humanity, but of course you already knew that. However you don't know why I climbed this mountain and fell down here."
Asriel opened one eye to find Chara doing her creepy face. He instantly looked away.
"That knife I had with me? I didn't bring it to protect myself from strangers. I brought it because it was crime evidence."
"Wh-what are you talking about?" stammered Asriel.
She continued on. "Back on the surface, I had a human mom and dad, even a brother. But they hated me. They never told me they loved me, they never kissed me goodnight, they made me feel like a big mistake. My brother was a much better, smarter, nicer person than me, so they gave him all their love, and left me out in the cold. So one night, I decided I'd had enough, and that's when I got my revenge."
At this point, Asriel was astonished and horrified. He tried not to cry, but the tears poured out.
"I stole the knife from my dad's office, snuck up to my brother's room, and stabbed him before he even had time to scream," Chara explained. "But he did scream after. He screamed so much that I had to hide in the closet while my mom and dad took him to the hospital. I heard that he died there."
"No!" Asriel interrupted. "That's not true! You're playing a really nasty joke, and it isn't funny!"
She chuckled a little. "It's no joke, Asriel. Cross my heart."
"Stop it, Chara! You're scaring me!" Asriel was getting more and more worked up. Chara was like a sister to him, and he had given her endless love and affection. He thought that she was the most wonderful person he had ever met in his life, and now he was learning that she wasn't at all who she seemed to be.
She ignored him as she finished her story. "I knew I had done something horrible. So I grabbed the knife so the police wouldn't find my fingerprints on it, and ran away to Mt Ebott. Then I fell, and the rest is history."
"You're lying!" Asriel wailed. "I'm not gonna believe it! You're not a murderer! You're my best friend in the whole world!"
Chara tried to take his hand, but he pulled it from her grasp. There was no way in hell that he was going to let her touch him. She slunk backward, wearing a sad expression. "But then you made me happy, Asriel," she whispered. "After all that, you, your mom and dad, they were like a blessing to me. You all loved me when nobody else did." She hugged him. "Please Asriel, you've all done so much for me. You and your family were my heroes. Now, I wanna be yours."
A million emotions were stirring within him at once. All this information, this crazy plan, it was all just so overwhelming. He needed to leave. Unhooking Chara's arms, Asriel went to his room. There he sat on his bed and wept. 
Meanwhile, back in the living room, Chara ate every buttercup he'd found for her.

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