Chapter 3

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Mitch's POV

I'm very irritated and done with Scott.
I'm done with the way he treats me, I'm done with the way his boyfriend treats me. And I'm done with having no friends.
I open my car door and shove my car keys into the ignition, to start the car.
I slam the door shut, nearly closing it on my finger.
I pull out of the driveway, not aware of where I am going.
Just keep going straight, Mitch.
Don't stop.
Get away from Scott.
I pull down this dark alley way.
It looks abandoned and quiet.
I get to the end of it and start driving down another road, with only a few other cars on it.
I turn my music up and try to let the thoughts of Scott fade away.
I sit back, and focus on the road, and on the music, enjoying every little mile that my car drives.
I glance at the clock on my radio to see how late it was.
It was almost one in the morning.
More cars started to fill the roads. They were coming from bars.
I turned down my music and focused on the road more so nothing would hit my car. But all of a sudden, a car that was much bigger than mine, came racing out into the street.
I slow down, and try to get away from it, but that didn't work.
The car came slamming into the side of my car, hitting me and damaging the car, and hurting me.
I gasp as the airbags pop out everywhere and push the shattered glass into me even more.
I feel sharp pain everywhere and all of a sudden, everything goes black.

I need Scott...

A/N: Hey y'all!! Thoughts on this chapter??

There might be an update tomorrow, but I'm not 100% sure yet, but there is a good chance!! Love y'all!! Talk to you soon!!💕💕💕💕💕

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