Chapter 22- "How far is the Hospital?"

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AN: Oh my god, nearly 1000 reads!! thats amazing, I never expected it to get so many! you guys are amazing I love you all!

This chapter is for all my amazing people who comment and vote!

Niall's POV:

I hear the car doors slamming outside and the crunching of boots approaching us.

The door flies open to reveal a police woman and two police men, all armed with a gun in their belt- just incase.

"What's going on?" The woman asks.

I explain the situation to them, from the start, about her dating him for years and then he turned horrible and hurt her, I told them about the party, everything leading up to now and they looked horrified.

"Oh." The woman looks more affected than the men, but I guess it's because she's a girl and can imagine what it would be like to be Alex.

I'm pretty sure I see tears coming but she blinks quickly and continues with her business.

"Sir, put your hands behind your back." One of the policemen orders Josh to do.

He refuses but after they tell him that he's going anyway, and it will be worse if he doesn't, he reluctantly does.

The man pulls a set of handcuffs from his belt and locks them onto Josh's wrists.

"What's going to happen?" Zayn asks.

"Well, we'll take him to court and have a trial, and decide what his sentence will be." They explain.

We all nod and they lead Josh out of the room, before he gets out, he turns back and gives us all a death glare, silently mouthing something along the lines of, "I hate you, and I'll get you for this." I think that's what he said- but I'm not a lip reader so I can't be certain.

They take him outside and I hear the car doors close again and the screeching of tyres as they drive away.

"Now can we go to the hospital?" Liam asks.

I nod and we all walk outside to the car, Liam gets into the drivers seat, Louis in the front and Zayn in the back with me. I sit on the end with Alex in between me and Zayn.

I lay her head on my shoulder, so it's got a sort of cushion.

"Ready?" Liam asks and we nod, he starts the ignition and we drive away from the place where Alex was so vulnerable, getting her to safety.

It's silent in the car, so Liam turns some music on, I didn't take the CD out, so Katy Perry begins to play around the car.

I hope that Alex will wake up soon, I hope this will help. I've seen it on films, where people gain consciousness when they are reminded of something happy- or something like that.

As Katy Perry blasts around the car, I stare at Alex, waiting to see some movement to indicate she knows what's going on.

But it never happens, her eyes stay closed, the only way of me knowing she's alive is the slight rising and falling of her chest.

"How far is it to the Hospital?" I ask Liam, wanting to get there as quickly as possible.

"Erm, about 20 minutes?" He guesses.

20 minutes.

20 minutes of watching Alex in this heartbreaking state, knowing she's not going to wake up yet.

She's not going to wake up unless she gets to a hospital- quickly.

"Please try to get there fast."

"I can only go as fast as the speed limit allows, you know what happened on the way." He says sternly.

"I was scared, I needed to get there as fast as I could."

"You don't think I'm scared now?" He asks.

"It doesn't seem like it."

"Well I am, I want to get there as fast as I can, but I don't want to break the law thank you very much."

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Why didn't we just call an ambulance?" Louis asks.

I shrug, "That's a good point. I guess I was just so worried to see her, the thought just wasn't in my mind."


After what seems like forever we park up outside the Hospital and carry Alex in quickly.

I tell the lady at the reception all of Alex's details- well as much as I know.

And she searches it in her computer.

After a minute she makes a phone call to one of the doctors.

"Thankyou." She says before hanging up.

"Dr Lawrence is on his way." She says with a sympathetic smile.

I see a man in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck speeding towards us.

A few nurses follow with a stretcher.

"Is this the patient?" He asks referring to Alex.

We nod and the nurses lift her onto the bed and push her down the corridor, "We'll get back to you soon, please take a seat in our waiting area."
Dr Lawrence says before following them.


AN: short-ish chapter, sorry, but I wanted to update for you guys, I was going to save it for tomorrow and write a slightly longer one but I wanted to update, so it's going to be 2 shorter chapters :)

Vote and comment please because I love you all! Xxx :)

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