The Return of Schlein

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"What are you doing here, Doctor?" I asked him.

"I could ask you the same question." He said, "A college campus isn't really your scene"

"I'm planning on enrolling" I lied.

He chuckled, mocking my intelligence. "Without a high school diploma?" He asked. "I don't think so"

I looked at Edwards dead body that was just pumping with blood and full of life. "Was it really necessary to kill an innocent man?" I asked.

"You mean the man you were going to use to try and spoil my plan?" He asked. "I figured that the goons I hired weren't going to be able to get the job done, so you know what they say...if you want something done right..."

"They also say murder is punishable with twenty-five to life."

"You think I fear human technology?" He days.

Wes joined us moments later. "Well if it isn't doctor ego"

"Such a disappointment" Schlein said looking at Wes. "We could've had a strong mutually beneficial friendship you and me."

"I work best alone" Wes shot back.

I charged my hands up with flames ready to fire at him. All he did was a smirk, "You might wanna save your energy to save the town from that flood heading their way" he said. I turned and saw a giant wave coming down of the sky barreling down to earth. It was so large it looked like an ocean was dropping on us. When I turned back Schlein was nowhere to be found.

"Great," I said.

Wes and I turned back towards the water in panic. "We need to stop it fast"

"You could freeze it in place." I suggested.

"You're right," Wes agreed.

"Wait" A voice yelled from behind us. We both turned sharply and saw none other than Edward Gibbons.

I stood defensively, confused as to why he was alive, since he was just as dead as a door nail. "I already had to deal with magic in the world, now zombies" I said.

"I'm not a zombie", He said walking towards us cracking his stiff back. He lifted his finger and revealed a large ruby that stood on the golden ring band. "It's an heirloom built from the stones of ancient Mesopotamia that protects me from death"

"Resurrection" I said, "Great let's add that to the list"

"It won't work if you freeze it," Eddie said, "Since it won't freeze evenly it'll break apart falling onto the town or melt and flood the place, which both result in civilian casualties."

"So what do we do?" Wes asked.

"It's what Samuel needs to do," Eddie said, "You need to vaporize the water"

"I cant generate that much energy," I said.

Wes suddenly dug through his pockets and pulled the talisman out that one of Schlein's men had been wearing. "Now you can," He said handing it to me.

I placed it onto my neck and instantly felt a surge of energy rush through me. I took a deep breath. "You got this," Edward said calmly.

"Don't screw this up" Wes tried to encourage.

I took a step back, then ran forward at speeds I had never run before. I had been at the edge of the water in less than a millisecond. I lifted my hands out and pushed my hand into the water feeling the energy pass through me into my hands. I was getting weaker and weaker the harder I pushed. I could see the waves growing smaller and smaller.

It would've been easier to give up and just run as far as I could from the waves. saving myself. Though it was the hero in me that drove me to push harder, with every ache it took until a splash of water no bigger than a kiddie pool landed on me. I collapsed feeling lifeless on the floor as I tried to collect some energy.

Eddie felt my neck for a pulse. For a second I saw a look of worry flash across Wes's face."He's still alive" he said with a sigh of relief.

Wes went back to his normal self. "Great." he said as if he wasn't just panicking.

I stopped being dramatic and sat up on my sore bones and aching back. "You guys thought I was dead?"

"Well no normal person can handle that much energy," Eddie said, "Then again, you're no normal person."

"We need to get back to the cabin," Wes said. "We're running out of time, and Egypt is miles away."

"About that, I may be mistaken," He said. "A man like Schlein wouldn't choose such an obvious location"

"So where do you think it is?" Wes asked impatiently.

"I need to be in my office" he said.

I nodded, "alright" I said. I took the shoulder of both Wes and Eddie ran to the office.

"We have to hurry," I said.

Eddie rushed through his bookcase and pulled out and old dusty book. He flipped through the pages until he landed on one specific place. He observed the words, and his eyes widened in shock for every sentence. "What?" I asked.

"I know exactly where the relic is," Edward said.

"And where may that be?" Wes asked.

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