Chapter 14

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When i got to the lobby of the apartment i heard footsteps behind me..I turned to see Eleanor behind me..When she caught up she was panting hard..I was about to walk away but she grabbed my arm to stop me. When she finally caught her breathe she spoke.."you are going to regret what you did back there"She sounds just like harry..I thought she was my friend.."You on their side now"

i said harshly..She didnt answer..I got out of her grip and continued walking.."No.." I didnt stop.."Its just I dont want you to go through what i had to go through." I then stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.."What did they do to you?" i said calmly..She looked around and turned back to me.."lets go get something to eat first then Ill tell you." i nodded and pointed to the little bakery on the other side of the street.."Lets go over there and talk.."i said as we walked out of the apartment..

When we walked over there me and Eleanor got muffins and 2 strawberry frappeas..WE found a table and sat...When both of us got done eating we began talking.."So what did they do to you?" i said solemely..She sighed.."nothing...its nothing" she sad edgily.."Do you think I'm stupid Eleanor?"I said smugly..she shook her head softly.."then tell me what happened"  i said sympathetically..She looked away.."I'm not aloud to say" I scoffed.."OK tell me about your past and I'll tell you about mine!" I said briskly..She didn't answer.."I know you want to get it off your tell"..She looked me in the eyes.."OK" she mumbled..

"One night Louis was out and he forgot his phone..I would've done anything but he beat me that day and I needed to get out of there.." she stopped to clear her throat.."I called my dad and told him about what was going on and he called the police..My dad came and got me and the boys were put in jail..For a week or so until they broke out..I was laying in my bed and I heard a scream from downstairs.." a tear fell from her eye..she quickly wiped it away.."I was about to go see what the noise was but my for opened and Louis was standing there..angry.." I hugged her..I was about to say something but. she interrupted me.."That's not the worst part" she said now sobbing.."Louis dragged me by my hair downstairs and threw me on the ground....And when I turned my head..I seen my dad..bleeding out.."She tried to gather herself.."Before he died he said 'I'm sorry'..."One last tear fell from her eye.."Oh My Gosh...those bastards.."

Once I comprehend what I just heard,Louis and the other boys killed Eleanor's dad...grrr...Anger rushed through me like a wave...I stormed to the apartment room..Just before I walked I. I grabbed the cold black object and put my hand on the trigger..

I bust in and Harry got up.."Your in alot of trouble Bree"

I smirked.."Yeah so are you" I pointed the gun at Harry's temple...

Hey readers I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever..stupid school..sorry that's not a reason...well comment what you think..Best comment gets a shoutout!;)

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