I meeting Billy today!! Happy dance! Mmm yeaa. I habemt seen Billy in so long. It has been two months I believe.

I got dressed in yoga pants and a shirt and walked to the tiny kitchen. I put music on and started making toast. A certain song came on and I almost had a heart attack. My house by Flo-Rida. Awesome song.

"Welcome to my house play that music to loud show me what you do now. We don't have to goo out."

"Nice singing" Louis said walking into the room.

"I know, I sound like an angel."


"Emily?" I familiar voice said. Billy!

"Hey!" I chirped and hugged him.

​​We walked out of the building and started to walk down the street. Our hands laced together. He led me to this pizzeria. I love pizza.

After we ate we just walked around LA talking about anything and everything.

Soon it started to rain. I love the rain. The little puddles. Everything about it. Billy turned towards me and we just got lost in his eyes.

We were leaning towards each other and kissed.



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