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A new day a new job a new day. I found myself about half an hour early for my new job at the record store, so I decided to stop at the coffee place next door.

Once I was at the counter a guy who had to be about my age turned around and asked, "And what can I get for you?"
"I don't know yet."
"Alright take your time."
"You know what?"
"Surprise me."

Five minutes later he said "Brendon."
And I went up to get my drink
"This is my own personal assortment of iced tea, lemonade, and vanilla milk. Enjoy." He said with a certain sense of confidence that I couldn't help but admire.

"Thanks." I said and took a sip, the mixture was delicious.
"So how do you like it?" He asked
"It's actually amazing." I laughed
"I don't know what else you expected."
"Oh of course," I took another sip of the drink. Then I looked at the time, "I better go wouldn't want to be late for work on my first day."
"I guess not, come back soon." He said as he began to take another customers order.
"I will." But he was already lost in his work, so I just headed out the door.

Work was slow, but I enjoyed selling and recommending records to the few people that went through the shop. I even picked up some Green Day to add to my collection.

I stoped in the coffee shop everyday before work for the next few weeks always saying 'Surprise Me' and the guy who I know know his name to be Ryan would happily make a new drink.

I'd just ordered my drink leaving my change in the tip jar like I always did. So I went to sit at the nearest table.

Five minutes later I expected to hear Ryan call my name, but he sat down right next to me at my table. He slid me today's drink and took a sip of his own.

"Hey?" I said

"Hey, sorry for just sitting down I can go if you want." He said yet made no effort to get up.
"No it's cool I start work 15 minutes later from now on anyway, I guess I'm just so used to this as part of my routine."

"Well nows my break, so I figured since we see each other everyday why not get to know each other a bit."

"Alright," I said "Want to start?"
"Okay, my names George Ryan Ross, but please call me Ryan. I'm 20 I've been working here since I was 18, because my parents kicked me out of the house."

"How come the kicked you out?" I asked genuinely curious to hear Ryan's story.

"They kicked me out because I was gay, well I still am. They kicked me out because I'm gay."

"That really sucks I'm sorry."

"Ehh I probably would've gotten the hell outta there after 18 anyway, alcoholics."


"Yeah, so how about you?"

"My names Brendon Boyed Urie I'm 2o years old as well. I just got a job at the record store next door a few weeks ago. I've lived with my roommates Spencer and Jon for two years now."

"Oh sounds pretty chill, I lived in that sketchy ass apartment complex down the road."


"Yeah my neighbors filed a few noise complaints for me playing my guitar and I got kicked out?"

"That's dumb, where do you live now?"
Shit Brendon that sounded creepy
"Not in a creepy way or anything."
Oh yeah that made it so much better.

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