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We were on our third movie when my eyes began to blink and I slowly dozed off onto Ryan's shoulder.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but soon enough Ryan was gently shaking my shoulder.


"Huh." I mumbled sitting up straight, suddenly aware of my surroundings
I took a look around realizing that Jon and Spencer had gone to bed.

"Tired?" Ryan laughed

"Yeah a bit, what time is it?"

"Almost One."

Suddenly I was awake.

"Almost one?"


"The night is young my friend what do you want to do?"

At this Ryan laughed

"I don't know, sometimes when it's dark out I like to go for walks I think it's peaceful." As Ryan spoke he got less confident with his words, almost shy.

That all changed when I jumped up from the couch grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes.

"Let's go then."

I saw Ryan smile.

"Alright, lets go."

And we were off, talking and laughing about absolutely nothing as we walked to who knows where.

But we were happy

An hour passed

Then two

We were just headed home when Ryan spoke

"Hey Brendon?"


"Are you seeing anyone right now?"

"Seeing anyone?" I asked sleepily

"Yeah, you know.."

"Well I'm not blind, I'm seeing you right now."

I'd known what he meant, I just wanted to see how far he'd take it.
Don't hate me I was just curious.

By this point Ryan was bright red, I chuckled.

We walked the rest of the way in silence

"No I'm not seeing anyone currently, to answer your question." I said as I buzzed to get into the building.

I opened the door holding it for Ryan, as soon as we made eye contact we both burst out laughing.

"You knew what I meant the whole time, and you.. Ugg that was so awkward I just..."

I was laughing so hard I actually fell over. The night watch guy must've thought we were crazy, but we didn't care.

"Okay sorry Ryan, I just.."

At this point we're were both sitting on the floor laughing.
Once we regained our composure, we managed to walk out of the lobby and to the elevators.

"Would you like to push the button or should I? Ryan asked with a grin.

"Be my guest."

Not even two minutes later we were standing outside my apartment door.

"So Ryan are you seeing anyone then?"
I asked as I opened the door.

"No I am not."

"Is there anyone in mind that you'd want to see?"
I know I was pushing it sue me.

"Umm yeah one person actually."

"Oh really who?"

"He's extremely annoying, very kind, He has a wonderful personality, good taste in coffee, sleeps at weird times, and a wonderful face maybe best I've ever seen."

"Wow, who?"


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