give me therapy

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The flight back to LA is long, and when they get home, Amelia's sitting on the doorstep, Lindsey's arm over her shoulder, Meagan on her other side, Jenna sitting on the step closest to the door behind Amelia. Maya smiles, however tired she is, and as Brendon carries her to the front door, Pete carrying bags, Gerard taking the wheelchair, the families reunite. Amelia's crying when she hugs her sister, who doesn't speak, hugging Amelia from Brendon's arms.

Maya scrolls through her social media, reading the tweets and comments scattering her posts and notifications.

@ petewentz: home now. @ mayaurie's doing alright. thanks for your support.

@ gerardway: back in la. everyone's okay. thank you guys so much for understanding

@ brendonurie: @ ameliaurie 's home. @ mayaurie 's okay. thank you all for the support.

@ jackalltimelow: sending all my love to the urie's and others involved. get well soon kid @ mayaurie

retweeted by @ alexalltimelow

@ patrickstump: back in la in one piece. thanks so much for your care guys.

@ frankiero: everyone's okay. thanks for asking. we'll tell you more when we can.

She returns to her own twitter, liking the hundreds of tweets asking if she's okay, or saying they hope she'll get better soon.

@ mayaurie: hey everyone. thank you all so much for your support over the past few weeks. i'm okay, beaten up and a little shocked. but i'll be alright. we're home and safe, and for now we're resting and figuring out what comes next. talk more soon. maya x

Brendon hugs her from behind "You're going to be okay kiddo. I promise." She nods, hugging him back "I love you dad." He kisses her forehead "Love you too Maya, rest up, we're seeing the doctors tomorrow." He pulls the covers up over her "Call me if you need anything. I'll be in the studio for a bit with Sarah, she had a coffee a few minutes ago, she's in the middle of some caffeine induced regret." Maya nods again, Brendon switches off her light, and begins walkin to the door before turning again "Pete and Meagan are staying over, and so are Tyler and Jenna. Josh went to go pick Debby up from the airport, I think they're coming back after you've seen the doctor's tomorrow." she nods a final time before Brendon leaves. She listens to him waking down the stairs, and can hear Sarah talking softly before she closes the door to the pool, and the house grows quiet. She sighs, the familiar warmth if Penny Lane next to her leg comforting her as she falls asleep.

Sometime in the morning her phone wakes her up. She fumbles to find her glasses, pushing them over her nose before picking up her phone.

noah: i know this is super late but i only just heard about everything from a few friends who were meant to be at a show. are you okay? what's happening?

Maya stares at the screen, Noah was the last person she expected to hear from.

maya: hey. i'm okay. i'm seeing a few doctors today, i can't walk atm, so i've gotta do a bunch of physical therapy stuff.

noah: holy shit. i'm glad you're okay, and i hope everything goes okay with the doctors

maya: thanks.

maya: and thanks for texting :)

noah: no problem. i know we haven't spoken very much. but we're still friends.

noah: we are still friends right

maya: yeah hahah don't freak out too much

maya: i'll text u when i'm finished at the doctors

noah: cool

Pete opens her door slowly "Hey, you awake?" Maya mumbles her reply, and Pete laughs. She reaches up, gesturing for a hug. He pulls her into his lap "I'm going with you guys to the doctor if that's cool." Maya nods, and Pete hugs her "You'll be okay kid. I know you will." She sighs, nodding into Pete's shoulder "You scared us all for a bit, when you didn't wake up for so long. It really freaked us all out." Maya laughs quietly "Sorry." Pete shakes his head "Don't be sorry." She nods again, yawning.

Pete carries her downstairs, Meagan and Jenna both fuss over Maya for a few hours before they have to leave, Tyler taking Jenna home, Meagan kissing Pete's cheek and telling him she'll see him later. Josh and Debby say they'll come over later in the afternoon.

"Noah texted me." She states, and Sarah raises her eyebrows "About?" May shrugs "He only just heard what happened. He wanted to know how I am. I said I'd talk to him more after the doctor's." Sarah nods "I'm glad you two still get along. Within reason, anyway."

"Okay, Maya," the doctor mutters, and Brendon squeezes her hand reassuringly "So you've got a fair bit of nerve damage, but it's not bad enough that you won't recover." she nods, unsure of what to say. Pete has his hand on her shoulder, and Sarah's holding Brendon's hand who's holding Maya's hand "Look, this is going to take a while, but i'm referring you to a physiotherapist, she'll be able to get you walking again."

maya: i'm seeing a physiotherapist tomorrow. there's a lot of nerve damange. but i'll recover.

noah: that's great

noah: i'm so glad you're okay.

noah: i'm not crawling back to you or anything like that or trying to use this against you

noah: okay that sounds sarcastic

maya: just a bit

noah: i mean it though

noah: when i heard about the cancelled show, i thought something might've just gone wrong with some dates or someone was sick

noah: and then the people i knew who were going started talking about 'i hope they're all okay'

noah: i didn't know what to think

noah: i'm just glad you're safe

maya: thanks

maya: you should come visit next time you're in la

noah: i'd love that


thanks to Sinziee for tagging me :)one : nopetwo: camillethree: 176 cm ? i think thats like 5"9/5"8 idkfour: 10 lmao i have big feetfive: bbbbluesix: yikes probably the day before yesterday but i won't say why because it'll make me look like a sob...

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thanks to Sinziee for tagging me :)
one : nope
two: camille
three: 176 cm ? i think thats like 5"9/5"8 idk
four: 10 lmao i have big feet
five: bbbblue
six: yikes probably the day before yesterday but i won't say why because it'll make me look like a sob story
seven: instagram probably
tagged: yikes i know this is bad but anyone reading this who wants to do it :)


pete's new playlist is the shit u guys

i shave my head tmr

i'm so pumped

see y'all on the bald side

grace x

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now