Shadow Hunter

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This tale of two demons like the two sides of the a coin. We start in on a man about 19, by the name of Jack Rogers, trying and failing to land a new day job. Lucky for him, he had a his job at night, the kind of job that pays more than most it, of than easy work for him even if it means swimming in a sea of blood. You see, he is a DH (demonic-hybrid) Hunter and business is good. The funny thing is, he isn't any human himself. To give you the rundown about DHs you need to know this; you see DHs they hide in places that are constantly dark and come out at night to do random activities. If you pose a threat to their way of life, they become ruthless and won't stop fighting you until you are nolonger a threat, dead, or you kill them. Each has their own abitity, however they don't co-exist with humans as you can tell from the need for DH Hunter, some kill for sport and others kill for personal means. Most DHs are disformed and disfigured. They have multiple mouths, eyes, and or the addition of horns. They wear (living) masks if they go anywhere near humans they tend not to confess feeling to humans (some people call them the dolls based on account of this) if they have any, they like to stick with other DHs. Truth be told Jack has a secret that only "he" know about. Ya see, he may be know as Jack Richards to humans, but he isn't your tipical human. He himself is a HD (half- demon) feared as Shadow Hunter the DH Hunter, a Hunter who uses guns, swords, and shadows to get his man or woman to sum up the way of this city it's kill or be killed, and it looks like Jack dismissed this and chose kill and kill again, untill fate ends. This man who knows what he might do next. Jack's weapons of choice are twin black swords and twin double action peace- keeper revolvers, with pinpoint accuracy, and takes out his victims with ease, making many people follow him and try to become hunters. Most of them die. They were killed, when the first died Jack blamed himself until, he learned that the boy was weak, and didn't stand a chance against a DH. Most hunters were able to kill one or two in groups of 3 or more. Jack would kill 5 or 6 and act like he was killing flys, however every now and then he would find organized gangs that were a more difficult task. Jack rarely uses his powers to a high caliber in a fight, but when fighting gangs that train each other, even he has to rely on being an HD nomater. Oh, how much he hates DHs. He would never truly be human or be a true DH, for he has killed out of cold blood..he has killed DHs who only wish to be left alone in the dark in the cold in the solitude. Why does Jack hate DHs so much? Even I don't know yet he keeps to himself about stuff like that. That is all the information I have on him for now.

End of Chapter 1.

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