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"LET'S GET YOU cleaned up." negan spoke, breaking the calm silence that had engulfed the room. he felt artemis weakly nod against his chest, she attempted to dry her tears as she sat up.

he picked her up like a child, holding her tight against him as he made his way through to his en suite bathroom. he sat her on the toilet whilst he began to run her a bath.

he put in some of the bath salts and scented bubble baths that he never used into it, making it seem as inviting and comfortable as possible for her.

"want me to go?" he asked, unsure if she wanted company or to be alone. she meekly shook her head. "okay."

she stood up to take off her pyjamas, she would never be able to wear them again. "do you mind turning round?" she whispered.

"oh-shit yeah." he complied, turning to face the wall whilst she undressed. he glanced around the room awkwardly whilst her heard fidget around behind him. he heard splashes of water as she entered into the bath.

"you can turn around now." she called hoarsely.

he turned around, taking everything in. this was the first time he had seen her so bare. he knew it was wrong to think like this in the current situation, but he couldn't help but acknowledge the curve of her breasts, her soft looking skin, her smooth legs.

he coughed, brushing his thoughts to the side. now was definitely not the time. he kneeled beside her, rolling up his sleeves. he reached for a washcloth and some soap.

"what are you doing?" she questioned his actions.

"i was gonna help you wash. didn't think you'd feel up to it." he stated. "i don't have to if you don't want me to."

"no. it's fine, you can." she softly smiled, making him grin, it was the first smile he had gotten all day.

he wet the cloth, added some body wash, softly grasped her arm and began to wash it. he made sure he was as gentle as possible with his movements. he did not want to hurt her in anyway.

he washed her back, lifting the cloth along her shoulders he came to her chest where he stopped, he didn't know if he should keep washing or move to another body part. they both made eye contact with one another, she nodded slightly, as if to say it was okay.

he slid the cloth across her breasts, washing them as quickly as possible before moving to her legs and continuing on.

once he was done, he told her to lean back into the water to wet her hair. he grabbed some shampoo, it was strawberry scented, it hadn't been opened before. he squirted a fair amount into his hand and began to lather it into her hair. he gently massaged her scalp to relax her. she moaned in pure relaxation at his actions, making negan smile. once he was done he told her lay back down so he could wash it all out.

the water began to get colder so he grabbed a clean towel, it was nice and soft. she stood up, holding her arms up so that he could wrap the towel around her body. she stepped out of the bathtub. he grabbed another bath towel and began to towel dry her hair so it wasn't dripping.

"stay here." he ordered. he left the room. artemis tried the rest of her body with the towel.

negan entered the room again holding a white t-shirt and some pyjama trousers.

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