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Chapter Two.

*Justin's POV*

Tell me, what did I ever do wrong that Rhi hates me so much now? We never really said goodbye, because she told me she'd come back. Instead, she just left and never even bothered to contact me. She moved on so fast, while I was secretly in a deep depression because of her. I thought about her 24/7 and wondered what I possibly did wrong.

But don't worry, I'll win her back. I have to.

Plopping down on my bed I rubbed the back of my neck and sat there for a minute until Alfredo came rushing in.

"Dude, do you know Rhi-"

"Yes, I know." I mumbled and stared at him with sad eyes.

"Yo, what happened?" Alfredo closed the door and sat down next to me.

"I'm still not over her, man. But she found someone else and forgot about me." I felt my eyes getting watery, but tried to suck it all up. I can't cry in front of one of my mates. I gotta man up.

I never cried for a girl. So she must be special. Of course she is. She brings me happiness whenever I see her. I want her to be mine again.

I want to cuddle and kiss and do what all couples do. I want to share whatever I have with her and build a future together.

That's how serious I am about Rhiannon.


Alfredo had given me a small speech and headed to his own suite afterwards. I took a quick shower, changed into my grey sweatpants, brushed my teeth and hopped into my bed.

*Rhiannon's POV*

"Baby?" Jake rubbed his eyes and yawned which meant he was asleep.

"Hi." I kicked off my shoes and laid down next to him.

"Where were you?" He asked as he pulled the blankets over both of us.

"I helped Melissa finishing her shift." I fake-yawned, showing him I didn't want to talk any further and acted as if I fell asleep.

Not even a minute later, I was being picked up and soon got dropped on the familiar comfortable bed.


"Oh no no no, oh no no no,

She's confident,

Oh no no no, Oh no no no,

And I'm down with it-"

I shut off my alarm and dragged myself towards the bathroom where I turned on the water. As soon the temperature was hot enough, I stepped in and washed my whole body.

Yes, my alarm ringtone is Justin's 'Confident' song. I love the song, in fact, I love him but I can't show him. Not after all the gossips I've heard and not after everything that happened.

I was willing to move on but of all hotels here in Las Vegas, Nevada, they chose 'Bellagio' as their place to stay at.

I heard someone knock so I got out the shower and dressed myself as fast as I could.

"Flowers for Rhiannon Fears?" The mailman handed me a bouquet of roses. It had a note attached to it. Once I thanked the mailman and closed the door I read the note.

"Meet me on the top roof at 9 o'clock. - Your man J."

I smiled and smelled the roses. Jake is so romantic, I love him. I truly do.

I continued with my morning routine. I only had to apply make-up which usually consisted of mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. Nothing special, just a simple look.


The day went by pretty fast. My shift ended at 8.30pm, which gave me 30 minutes to freshen up myself. I haven't seen Jake all day, so he must be planning a romantic dinner. Tonight there should be full moon which made everything more romantic.

I had redone my make-up and dressed into my comfy leggings, a crop top that said "Fab Bitch" and some converse. My hair was in a messy braid, tossed to the side.

It was nearly 9 o'clock so I took the elevator to the last floor, which was pretty high and the elevator doors were all glass, which had a view all over Nevada. I felt like throwing up. If you guys didn't knew, I'm scared of heights, like extremely scared.

Opening the roof top gates, there was a path of flowers leading to a table that was set up neatly. Dim lights were surrounding the path. There were two candles set on the table.

There was a figure making its way towards me.

"Glad you considered coming." He took my hand and leaded me to the table. The voice wasn't Jake's. As we came closer to the table, his face was getting clearer due to the candles that lit up the whole roof.

"Justin?" My mouth fell open and I pulled my hand back.

"Why are you surprised?" He asked offended.

"I- I thought you were Ja- never mind." I sighed.

Justin made me sit down and poured champagne for both me and himself.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as I sipped from my champagne.

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"About us."

I sipped one more time and nodded.

"Why did you suddenly just leave?"

I didn't answer.

"You told me you'd come back, why did you never return?" He asked another question.

"Justin, ever since I started hanging out with you, I've only had drama in my life. When I left California and moved to Nevada, no one knew me here, there was no drama, so I decided to start all over again and I wasn't ready to give this up yet." I explained, feeling guilty for breaking a promise.

"You could've at least contact me and let me know that you need more time for yourself. I would've understand. But no, instead you forgot about me and found another man." He spat annoyingly.

"Give me one week. Just one week to show you what kind of boyfriend I am and if you still don't want to return to me after that, I'll give up and leave you alone." Justin had a serious expression plastered on his face.

I though about it for a minute. This meant I would be cheating on Jake for a week. But I can handle that. It's not like I love him more than I love Justin.

"Okay." I blurted out.


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