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Chapter Seven.

*Rhiannon's POV*

It's been a month since Justin left. Ever since a lot has happened. First of all, Jake left. He started college a week ago, somewhere out of Nevada, so he rented a flat out there.

Second, I'm considering moving to Calabasas and live with Justin.

Last but not least, I'm extremely ill right now.

I've thrown up like 8 times in a row and I have stomach ache. Must've eaten something weird when me and Melissa went out to eat last night.

"I don't want to." I whined and held onto my stomach.

"You have to, Justin asked me to." Melissa pulled me towards the door that led to the doctor's office. I entered and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"What's the problem?" He asked as he looked up from his computer.

"I have stomach ache and can't stop throwing up." I explained shortly.

"Right, let's see." He led me to a table and started doing whatever he had to do. I just squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it wouldn't turn into something too serious and he'd just send me home with some medicine I have to take daily.

"You need to go to the hospital." He announced with a blank expression.


"Is it important?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't see any danger, but I suggest you should go to the hospital." Melissa nodded in my place, paid the doctor and dragged me towards the car.

We arrived at the hospital and Melissa dragged me inside again. I just hate hospitals, ew.

They had taken blood tests and done some other researches. Now I was waiting in a room for the results.

A doctor with a wide smile plastered on her face came in with some documents in her hands.

"Congrats, you're pregnant."

Both me and Melissa froze in our spots.

"I'm what?" I mumbled blankly, oblivious to the fact I was pregnant.

"Please, fill in these documents and hand them in at the desk in the lobby." She left the room without even answering me.

Melissa had to sit down or else she would pass out.

"Is it Justin's?" She asked after she had processed what we just found out.

"I think so, he's the only one I've had sex with."

They had given me painkillers and gave me a schedule. I was supposed to come back every month to the gynecologist.

I felt even more sick than I felt before. How was I gonna tell Justin I'm pregnant and he's the father.

Oh Jesus please, after all I've been through, you had to make my life harder. Are you testing me!?

I was now back in my suite, thinking of how I was going to tell Justin. He texted me saying he wants to skype in 10 minutes.

I took a shower and put on my pyjama shorts and a tanktop. I drank one painkiller and opened my laptop. Justin wasn't online yet.

You know what, I'm going to just tell him. I'm already pregnant for a month and a half, so he's going to notice anyway.

Justin's name popped up on the screen and I accepted the video chat.

"Hi, princess." Justin was sitting on an armchair with his arms on his knees. He was obviously exhausted.

"Hi, how are you?" I mumbled.

"I just came back from a show. I'm exhausted. How are you doing? Did Melissa bring you to the doctor?" Justin asked with a worried tone.

I nodded and took a deep breath.



"I ended up going to the hospital."

"What why!?" Justin was wide awake now.

"I- I'm pregnant." I blurted out.


This is a very short chapter, I know, but I really wanted it to end it here. Leaving you guys with a little cliffhanger, lol.

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