Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One.

*Rhiannon's POV*

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner!" Derek said full of sarcasm.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat angrily.

"I want to ruin your life, just like you ruined mine." He said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"For your information, you've already ruined mine." I reminded him of what he did to me. "What are you going to do anyway?" I shrugged, it's not like he could kidnap me again. Justin would never allow that to happen.

"Oh, sweetheart, this comes so unexpectedly but I have this all planned out."

I could feel the anger rising in my body. Why can't all this drama stop? Just when the other problem's solved, another one has to come up.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, just wanting this to be over.

"Go to your room and look underneath your pillow." He demanded. I hesitated but decided to do what I was told. I picked up my pillow and noticed a letter addressed to me.

"How the fuck did that get there?" I kind of mumbled to myself, but I realized I was still holding the phone to my ear when I heard him chuckling.

"I'm going to hang up, but I need you to read the letter and follow the steps. If you refuse to do so, something bad will happen to both you and Justin."

Before I could even ask any questions, he hung up on me. I fumbled with the paper and opened it as I started reading, full with anxiety.

"Dear Rhiannon,

don't think this is going to be a sloppy love letter, 'cause honestly, it's far from that.

First of all, if you want Justin to stay alive, you have to do exactly what this letter says. If you don't succeed, both you and Justin will end up dead.

Go to Richmond Avenue and walk further into the lane until you come across a yellow warehouse. If you're there, go in and upstairs, there should be a room with only a closet in the corner. Open it and you'll find 7 more letters. They're organized by day, so only open one letter a day. I give you exactly 7 days, so one week, to fulfill every letter.

Good luck,

I hope you make it out alive.

Scratch that, I hope you die.

- Derek, your biggest nightmare."

I felt salty tears streaming down my face. Is this dick serious? I knew I had to do this, 'cause I didn't want anything to happen to Justin. He has his carreer and his fans, he can't leave them behind.

Pulling myself together, I texted Justin saying I'm going out with some friends of mine, so he didn't have to worry once he gets back.

I changed into black leather leggings, a grey loose v-neck and above that a khaki-colored army jacket. I added my black demi-boots to my feet and tied my hair up into a ponytail as I pinned all the hair getting in the way, back.

I checked myself in the mirror and agreed I looked appropriate for this situation. I knew where Richmond Avenue was situated, it was near the Richmond Woods.

Sighing, I grabbed one of Justin's car keys and hopped into the most unnoticable car. I didn't want to stand out and let paparazzi find out I was driving. The car was black and small, easy to drive with and absolutely non-fancy. No one could notice me in this car.

I pulled out of the garage and drove down the Calabasas lanes.

I had to drive 20 minutes, before I arrived at the avenue I was supposed to be at. No one lived here, no one possibly could. There weren't any buildings or houses out here.

I parked my car and got out, deciding I should walk further. I'm glad I'm wearing demi-boots, otherwise my feet would already be soaked. I felt a few water drops fall onto my head, I knew it was going to rain soon.

As I walked and walked further into the woods, I noticed a yellow/orange kind of house, it seemed as if it was going to collapse any second.

I hesitated to go in, but remembered what the consequences were if I didn't do what Derek told me to. I felt as if I was being watched by someone. Derek must be around here, checking if I actually followed his steps.

I pushed the door open and immediately walked up the stairs. The wooden steps creaked underneath my feet as I slowly looked around, taking in every detail of this warehouse. It looked like one of those possessed houses, I feel like Emily Rose could attack me any second.

Shaking the thought off, I walked into the first room I came across, I noticed the closet in the corner Derek was talking about. I walked over to it and slowly opened it, as I laid my eyes on a bundle of letters, tied together with a ribbon. I untied the bundle and read the words 'Day 1' on the first envelope.

There was a small note attached to the ribbon, so I decided to read that one first.

'I see you did what I told you to do, good job. Now listen, we're in this together. Do not read the first letter of the week until Monday, which is in 2 days, enjoy these days with your boy Justin, 'cause from the moment you read the first letter, your life will and shall definitely change."

Why does he even write like this. As if he's writing a letter to the president of the United States. I felt my eyes getting watery, knowing what I got myself into. This boy is a real psychopath. He already had a massive criminal record so I already knew what to expect.

I put the letters inside the pocket of my jacket and walked out of the warehouse as fast as I could, it just didn't feel safe. Walking back to my car, I noticed a paper was stuck between the doorknob of the car.

I grabbed it and read the small paper.

"Don't have second thoughts about reading the letters, I'm watching your every move and I'm serious about harming Justin."

I threw the paper away in anger and let the tears stream down my face. I was just cursed, god chose me to live this cursed lifestyle and I don't even know why! Everything in my life just went wrong, not one single thing went right, ever! I was sick of everything and anything.

As I entered the car and sat back in my chair for a minute or two, processing everything really quick. I pulled out my phone and found 2 missed calls and one text, all three of them from Justin.

'Baby, do I have to pick you up? It's getting late, I miss you.'

Oh, Justin, you have no idea of what's coming next. I quickly replied, saying I was on my way already and started the engine, speeding down the lanes.

As I was riding, all of the bad memories in my life flooded back. It was then that how fucked up my life actually is and I'm only 19.

Honestly, I wish I could just kill myself.


The next chapters are going to be so weird to write, it's far from what I usually write!

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