Chapter 1 - Getting the Wolf out of Court

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Chapter 1 – Getting the Wolf out of Court

Amongst the whispering council members I sat on my throne which sat to my mother's left on the end, we were all listening to the weekly meeting. Boring as always, I had to smother a yawn. Dressing fancy is required which is absolutely stupid in my opinion, so out comes the dress with posh shoes and also is the silver head band crown sitting upon my head.

“To the next subject of business,” my father's booming voice announced to the council, gathered in the great hall in which we all sat.

My head jerked up immediately at the scent of a fellow wolf coming hesitantly into the hall, a growl nearly slipped from my throat but stopped myself just in time. Before me this wolf had shaggy brown hair and soft green eyes, I could tell almost instantly because I recognised the scent from when I was a child. The first encounter was one you would always remember.

The wolf met my eyes and curiosity bloomed deep within the emerald iris's, personally my own wolf wanted to jump over and rip his throat out for trespassing into my territory if I could call it that. But I controlled myself as I had practised hundreds of times with my father's temper it was necessary.

Escorted by the general and four of the best of the guards, my brother leant forward in his seat with narrowed eyes. A picture image of my father who was doing the same. However my mother fled quickly from the room not looking back, the reason I didn't know. But my father or brother paid no attention.

“You trespass on my lands werewolf,” the growl from my fathers voice was low and threatening with no doubt he was ready to kill right this second.

“Shifter not werewolf.” This wolf was different and I liked that instantly, made a change from the dark and looming presence that surrounded this place like a blanket.

“How dare you talk to my father, YOUR KING LIKE THAT! A MANGY WOLF HAS NO RIGHT!” With each word my brother's voice had rose into a bellow, I had to admit he looked intimidating with his black hair stood on end and eyes an angry swirl of colours.

The growl erupting from the wolf's throat was so animalistic that half of the room let out a small gasp and took a step back. Replying swiftly I let out a low, challenging growl which no one except a fellow shifter should hear. I was right, because he did hear and understood just as the chains were put in place to restrain him. Of course he could break it but didn't move, just waited for the out come.

“Dad,” I spoke drawing all attention back to me quickly and a sharp glare from my dad made me shift in my seat slightly.

His voice was holding a dark sound, it was the same darkness that was in his heart and as black as the hair he kept combing back with his fingers. “Yes daughter, what is it?”

“What has the shifter actually been charged with?” When my father's eyes had met mine the second before I spoke nearly made me forget my question, but I had gone on with it with a small amount of fear in my mind.

“Trespassing,” my brother said with no doubt in his mind right then.

Being older didn't make him any wiser, “Corry you do realise that isn't a crime to be punished with.” Everyone was frozen watching the confrontation between the male members of my family and myself. But here I was just stating the facts I had been taught as a child, why was the wolf here if he hadn't done anything?

All eyes turned to my father who sat there mouth about to fall wide open in shock, no way had he expected any resistance from his daughter. The one who secretly feared that someday he would go too far... Recovering from his momentary shock before speaking calmly and carefully, “Well Elizabeth you see being a wolf on our own lands is enough to be punished by.”

Corry nodded filled with confidence at our father's words which were incorrect, “Exactly which is why the wolf shall be...”

Shaking my head quickly my eyes didn't leave the two people who were so intent on harming another person of my kind, of course they didn't know that. “But your wrong again, not doing anything to be charged by means he can go free. King Magnus stated this indeed fact almost 300 years ago now, going against him is like going against the vows you swore when becoming king.”

Unhappy murmurs rose around the room as the council considered everything that was being said, they were the ones who deemed whether the future king/queen was fit for ruling. They too, could have you disowned from the kingdom and killed on site if you entered again. It wasn't just the monarchs who made important decisions, though they had the final say.

With nothing more to be said everyone watched as I rose from my throne and descended the steps, moving towards the wolf who had been forced to kneel on the ground in front of us. The guards moved at the wave of my hand dismissing all of them swiftly as I stood beside the wolf in question. Dropping down on my knees next to him, my hands reached the chains and began to unwind them in a few quick motions they were gone.

Leaning down I whispered fiercely in his ear, “Go now wolfboy before things take a turn for the worse.”

“Thank you,” he whispered back getting up at the same time I did myself. The emotion in his green eyes held all the forgiveness I needed, we were people too and not the monsters my father made us out to be. Quickly I ushered him to the doors as they were pulled open and...

“Hold it right there.”

Closing my eyes briefly I knew that he would have to intervene, just in his nature and I had no idea where he got that from ever because it definitely wasn't me. “Yes Corry, what is the matter?” Replying smoothly before turning gave me the few moments I needed to calm myself down.

“That wolf trespassed he should be punished for trespassing.”

“But that isn’t breaking a law.”

“It is now.”

My dad joining in didn't surprise me the least and neither did his making up a new law to suite his needs, but he had forgotten another small detail. Seems like the men had little space in their heads for remembering the side details for doing things. And they said I had to start studying more, geese.

“Dad, you can't do that it takes days maybe even weeks to do that and a new law means votes from the whole kingdom. Not everybody is here, the village people plus mum isn't.” I countered back not moving from where I stood beside wolfboy and that was a very dangerous statement.

The general startled us all by making himself known with this particular law, “It is true what my lady says your majesty.” Graymark never made himself known unless it was absolutely necessary and his soft grey eyes made me think about how he was a general.

“Fine you are all dismissed.”

Stalking from the room my father let the doors slam harshly, immediately without hesitation my brother followed. And with that everybody else started to filter out of the grand hall. When it was empty and only the light that came through the glass windows remained, I turned back to the person who had caused all of this trouble today. The wolf was staring at me with awe and still the lingering curiosity, I waited not moving as he assessed what the situation meant.

Pulling both of us back into reality was the reminder we weren't alone, doing this small favour to the two of us was of course my brother. Corry's hair was on end and anger remained in his eyes, but now he was staring at the two of us with a strong confusion.

Using the mind connection every shifter had between their own kind and of course that confused him even more than before. “Go now! Get out of here this second before my brother does something he won't regret!”

I will leave for now wolfgirl but this won't be the last we see of each other, I can promise that to you now.” His voice was smooth and soft as it entered my head and I had to stop myself from leaning towards him.

With wolfboy's alarming fast exit I stood there just staring at where he had been before realising that I was being watched. Raising my gaze to Corry's I nodded sharply before spinning on my heel and fleeing from the room, straight to the safety of my own.

Solitude was a lone wolf's life...

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