(5) The Vicious Fight

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Here is chapter 5. Please comment. Ideas are welcome and if you give me a good idea I'll put it in the book. And please vote in honor of Alex. He is very sick and in the hospital. (Yes all three main characters are real people.) photo is of Lucy

Allie's POV

Re cap: He stares at me in complete anger until he drags Drake over to me. He smacks me across the face before he walks towards the door with Drake screaming in pain.

As he walks to the door I get even more pissed. Beyond pissed. He did not just do that! Oh, yes he did. That little fuck. What you gonna do about it? Just watch and see.

"Stop right there dickwad!" I yell. He pauses and slowly turns around.

"Shut the fuck up and stay in your place woman!"

"You're such a fucking douche bag. I hate you. You're a waste of god damn life!" I yell and walk towards him. He drops Drake hard and walks towards me.

"What did you say?" he challenges,

"You're such a fucking moron! You can't even understand words? Then, let me use my actions." I punch him square in the jaw. He groans in pain and punches me in the cheek. I kick him in the stomach. He punches me in the ribs and I scream in pain. I kick him in the dick and he screams and almost falls. Instead, he repeatedly punches me in the face, stomach and ribs. I stab his side with the scissors. When I stab him he screams and falls to the ground clutching his side.

"You little bitch!" he screams. Then, he finally passes out.

"Alex, call Lucy and have him come and get that dick as far from here as you can." He nods and pulls out his phone. He walks into another room.

I walk over to Drake and he's unconscious. I pick him up and take him into my room. I lay him on the bed. His lips are bloody and swollen. Bruises are on his arm and stomach. His face is cut. Blood still dripping from the wound. I take a washcloth and wipe the blood from his lips and cheek. I climb on the bed and hold his hand. We need to get him to a hospital. I cry and cry.

I hate that man. I wanted to kill him. I almost had. When I had lunged forward to stab him I was aiming for his heart. I changed my mind last second and stabbed his side. I had almost killed a man! I didn't look to see how bad I looked. I was in pain. Loads of it. That's part of the reason I'm crying.

All of the sudden black spots appeared in my vision. My vision was getting cloudy. My head was spinning. I felt weak. I felt numb. Most of all I felt scared. What is happening?

"Al-" That's all I could get out before I fell next to Drake and went into the dark nothingness.

Drake's POV

*While Allie and Alex are sleeping*

I was asleep until my door slammed open. Dad? Oh, god...Dad! I try to get up and run. I know how dangerous he is.

"Drake. I'm taking you away," says my dad.

"Away? What do you mean away?" I asked. I was panicking.

"To a straight camp." I know what these are. I read about them. Secret camps to make gays straight. The things they did were cruel.

"No! I won't let you!" I cried out. He came towards me and punched me straight in the mouth. I couldn't talk now without it hurting. Then, he took out a knife and held me down on the bed. He cut my cheek. I scream in agony. I was then pushed to the ground. Please stop. Please. Let me die. When I landed hard on the ground he kicked me and kept at it. I heard a gasp at the door, but by the time I looked no one was there. Was that in my head? Where is Alex? Save me Alex. Keep Allie safe. I know she would try and she would fail...Save us my knight. Then, my dad was dragging me down the stairs.

My dad was fighting with someone. I didn't know who it was. I went unconscious a couple of seconds after my dad had slapped Allie. Right after she said he was a waste of life. I hope...I really hope Alex saved us.

I don't know where I am. I hear soft crying and the voice of an angel.

"Please wake up you two. I love you guys way too much to loose you," said the angel.

Oh, no! Who else was with me in this dark world. I didn't see anyone. Had Alex gotten hurt? Or was it Allie who had been hurt? I tried to get out of here. I couldn't. I ran and ran, but I may as well have been running in place. There was no escape. So, I sat instead and cried and cried.

"Wake up my love." I'm trying. I'm trying so hard.

When you wake up you need to keep strong. Someone you love is very, very hurt. Be there for them. The one hurt needs you to be there.

I will be there. I will make sure they make it. I will love them. I will cherish them. I will stay by their side. Forever. Always.

That's when I could finally see. I could finally see his face.

Alex's POV

His eyes were fluttering. He's waking up. Thank goodness!

"Drake! You're awake!" I say.

"Alex? How long have I been out?" he asks.

"Six days."

"Did you...save me? Save her?" I frown.

"No Drake. She saved you. She fought your dad to the very end." I could see the panic in his eyes.

"Where is she?" he asks in a panicked, high pitched voice. I get up and move the curtains surrounding him. Then, he looks at Allie. Lips and eyes swollen. Her ribs broken. She wasn't even breathing on her own. She had to use an incubator. It was helping her breath. Helping her heart beat. Her chest rising and falling steadily.

Tears fall down our faces. They don't know if she'll live. The doctors said she is worse than she would have been. She has very bad heart problems. She's had them since she was a kid. Her parents really never bothered to see what was wrong. Doctors always said there was nothing wrong with her heart. Obviously, they were wrong.

"What happened?" asks Drake.

"She fought with your dad. Punched him. Kicked him...Stabbed him even. He, of course, fought back. He punched her in the face and stomach so much. He broke three of her ribs. I should have done something. I should have helped. I was scared." I break down to tears.

"Where is my dad?"

"Lucy and I took him to a hospital in the next city over." He nods his head and looks at Allie. "She'll make it.." He looks at me.

"She will make it. She's a strong girl." He smiles softly before looking back to Allie.

Wake up Allie. We need you here with us. Wake up little angel. Wake up and stay our hero. We couldn't have made it without you. Without you...Drake and I might not even be here or okay...or alive.

I walk towards Allie and kiss her head. I sit in a chair next to her bed. She is in the worst possible condition. How long will she stay in this coma? Let's hope it's not very long. I put her hand in mine and wait...hoping she'll wake up soon.

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