(9) Lots of Teasing With a Touch of Mystery

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Here's chapter 9 for all you awesome people out there. 

Alex's POV

She's finally out of the hospital. So, we're all getting ready to got to 'Spasmic Rainbow'. The no boyfriends rule still applies. Allie is really excited. Drake is just happy that she's okay.

I go into Drake's room to see if he's ready. He's just sitting on his bed staring off into space. I call his name about five times and he doesn't respond. So, I go straight up to him and kiss him. He flips us over so that we're on his bed and he's leaning over me.

"You really think I couldn't hear you?" He says before kissing me. Oh, so this was a trap! Oh, he's good. Secret fucking ninja. "You knooooow...we cooouuuld just skip 'Spasmic Rainbow' and yooouuu...meeee....and Allie could have some fun. Right here...right now," he says between kisses. His hand getting closer and closer to my area. I push him off me.

"Nice try, Drake. Now get ready."

"Worth a shot," he says with a grin.

Five minuets later we're on our way to 'Spasmic Rainbow'. We drive in comfortablet silence. When we get there they let us in right away. We walk in and they're playing 'My Gift and My Curse' by 'BOTDF'.

"Oh! I love this song! I seriously wanna make a music video to this one day," says Allie.

"You love anything by 'BOTDF'," I say. She just gives me a big smile. She pulls me and Drake to the dance floor and we dance for awhile.

"I'm thirsty!" yells Drake over the loud music. I nod my head and head over to the bar. A bartender with Green hair walks up to me.

"Hey! You're Lucy's boy!" He says with a grin.

"Yeah. You know him?"

"Yeah. Here...drinks are on the house," he says handing me three strawberry daquris.

"Um...can you make one of these drinks without the alcohol? My friend Drake doesn't drink." He nods his head and hands me one in a pink cup so I know which is which. "Thank you."

"No problem kid."

Drake's POV

"OMG! My cup's pink you guys! I love pink!" I shout.

"Of course you do," says Allie. "I want another drink. No alcohol this time. None for you either mister," she whispers to Alex so that I don't hear, but I do.

"So, you two are drinking alcohol?" I ask with a glare.

"You shouldn't be so surprised," she says. Before I can even respond she rolls her eyes and kisses me. "Just shut up and have fun." I nod my head as we dance to some techno music. When Alex comes back we all sit down and drink our drinks.

"We've been here for quiet awhile. I think it's time we head home," says Alex.

"First thing's first I want t go get my hair done. I'll meet you guys at home. Okay?" says Allie.

"How will you get home?" I ask.

"I'll walk. I need some exercise after being stuck in that bed for two weeks," she forces out a laugh.

"Okay," says Alex beofre we get into the car. She walks away.

"You think something's up don't you?" I ask. He nods his head. "Should we follow her?" He shakes his head and starts driving home.

When we get home we sit and cuddle in his bed. We can't stop worrying about her. She doesn't know her way around here too well. All of the sudden Alex has me pinned down.

"I think it's time I get you back for trapping me earlier," he whispers in my ear. I wiggle to get free and he grinds against me. He kisses around my neck until he finds my soft spot. I moan when he licks it. I grind into him when he bites it.

He pulls off my shirt and I try to escape, but he pins me right back down. He starts making out with me and he takes off my belt. The next thing I know my arms are tied to the bed with my belt.

"You are evil!" I yell...and very dominating I think to myself.

"You're just mad cuz you can't touch me. I know how turned on you are right now." He pulls off my pants and kisses me. He rubs my length through my boxers and my hips thrust upward. He smirks. Then, my boxers are off and my length is in his hand. He strokes it painfully slow. I grunt and moan.

"Aaaaaaleeex." He giggles and starts to go faster. He does that until I come and kisses me softly.

"You two are hott," says Lucy. How long has he been standing there?

Allie's POV

I spend the whole time walking to the hair salon making sure I wasn't being followed. When I got there my hair was bleached, dyed and cut. The back was dyed black and cut short-ish so I could spike it up sorta like Dahvie Vanity. The front was dyed red and had bangs that were straight acroos and covered my eyes completly. It was longer in the front.

Then, I changed clothes and walked home. I was happy when I got back to 'Spasmic Rainbow' because that meant I was halfway home. That's when he walked up to me. The boy who claimed to be my future boyfriend.

"Hey! Have you seen a girl with long, blue, poofy hair?" he asked. I shook my head. "Are you lying to me?" he asks in a mean voice.

"No," I say lowering my voice. He nodded and went in the opposite direction. Than I ran all the way home.When I got there I collapsed on the floor in front of the door.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Asked Lucy.

"Oh, you know...just attacking it with my awesomeness." He picked me up and walked up the stairs. He took me into Alex's room.

"She's back!" yelled Lucy.

"What did you do to your hair?" asks Alex

"Why are you wearing different clothes?" asks Drake.

"Guys the answer to those questions is so obvious. The real question here is...Allie...who are you hiding from?" says Lucy.

"Chaos," I say in a whisper. I leave the room to make a phone call.

"Hello?" Says my friend Lorissa.

"Chaos is back," I say.

I hear things being tossed around in the backround and lots of yelling. Lots of swearing ,too. Then, I hear a car start. "Where are you?" she asks.


"How did he find you there?"

"I have no clue. He came and saw me when I was in the hospital. I saw him today. He was looking for me."

"Well, don't you worry, chicka. I'm on my way now. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay," I say before hanging up. I wish he'd let it go.

photo is of chaos

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