(11) The Search and The Struggle

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Here is Chapter 11 my lovelys:) I hope you like it:) THE SECRET POV IS REVEALED :D

Chaos's POV

She's out there. She's probably in pain. I don't want that. I wish she knew what really happend. Then, she would be with me right now. I was trying to protect her.

I can't do this alone. I'm going to need some help? Someone who knows Jezebel and Lucy. Somone tough. A rebel of some sort would be nice.

I walk into 'Spasmic Rainbow' knowing exactly what to do. I head to the bar looking for him. The boy with green hair and eyes.

"Triss!" I yell. He walks over to me.

"Can I help you?" he asks.

"Lucy's been kidnapped." You could see the worry written all over his face. He jumped over the bar and dragged me out of the club.


"Lucy, Alex, Allie, Drake and a girl named Lorissa were kidnapped."

"How? By who?"

"Jezebel. She drugged them and when they passed out her 'friends' threw them into a van. They were kidnapped by The Secret Nation of Sestar," I explain.

"How do you know all this? How did you know my name?"

"I work for an agency meant to protect the people of the LGBT community from The Sestar and other Anti-Gay organizations." He looked at me with a small smile and gave me a hug. I was confused by his actions.

"It's good to know there are people like you."

"It's just a job. A job I love. I never thought I'd fall in love with the one I was sent to protect," I say with a sad smile. If only she knew the whole story. Well, I'll tell her when I find her. It can't be too hard. I have years of experience.

"I'm sure that we can find them. There's someone I love there too," he says sadly. Who does he love? He couldn't be in love with Allie or Lorissa. He's gay. I'll figure it out. I'm a professional you know.

Lucy's POV

It hurt. It was the worst feeling in the world. Being raped would surely scar me for life. Why are these people doing this to us?

I looked at our group. Allie just looked terrified. Drake had a bruise on his face from when he tried to stop the man. Lorissa's arm was cut from the chain. Alex was in tears.

These are terrible people. They called us disgusting?! They called us abominations?! They're the ones raping and killing people!

Allie's POV

I won't have this! I got out of my chains awhile ago. I held the knife I had behind my back as I waited for the men. It must have been hours before one came back. He started hitting Alex. He was his next victim...but he was mine.

"Stop," I said in a stern voice. The man turned and looked me straight in the eyes. I stood up. "Leave him the fuck alone!"

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" the man screamed. He went to hit me. My god it hurt like a bitch. I stabbed his shoulder. He took my head and slammed it into the wall. I screamed, punched, kicked, bit and stabbed. He punched a lot too.

"Fuck you! You call us abominations when you're the ones raping and killing people! Burn in hell!" I yell out. I pull a lighter out of my pocket. I light it and set the man's clothes on fire.

The man ran out of the room. I looked back at the group. They were scared...great. Then, I punched the wall. Ow. I helped Lucy out of his chains quickly. As soon as I get him free I'm out like a light.

Lorissa's POV

Holy fuck! That girl is crazy! I really can't complain though. That man deserved it. He deserves worse. I'm sure the fire was put out.

We're all running through the building looking for a way out. Lucy's carrying Allie since she passed out. This building's a fucking maze! After running around for about five minuets the alarm went off.

"Oh, shit! Guys we need to hurry!" I yell. It was too late. The door in front of us locked. We were still trapped here. Trapped in this hell hole.

They took us all back to our room. They hit us over and over. It hurt so much. I could hardly move when they were done. I looked around the room and didn't see Allie. I saw everyone but her. She couldn't have gotten away. She was out cold.

"Guys! They took Allie!" I cried out. They looked around the room and yelled. Drake was in hystarics.

"I can't let anything happen to her. I love her. I love her! I'm supossed to be the one to make her happy. I'm supossed to be there for her!" he says threw sobs.

Why did they take her? OMG! What if they-

Triss's POV

Me and Chaos have been looking around everywhere. I'm so tired, but I can't stop. I have to find them. I have to find him.

Lucy. We've been friends forever. Unfortunatly, that means I'm stuck in the friends zone. It sucks. I love him more than anything.

I hadn't noticed I stopped walking. I didn't notice my clentched fists. I didn't notice my tears.

"Triss?" says Chaos. "It's Lucy isn't it?"

"Yeah. Always Lucy," I whisper.

"We'll get him back. We'll get them all back." I nod my head. "But they'll be beyond broken. So, we have to vow to find them and fix them."


"Good. Now come on. We gotta keep looking. I don't know how long they have."

So, we continue to search for them. I will do anything in my power to find them alive. If not, I'll kill the people responsible.






OMG! So where do you think they took Allie? What are they going to do to her? Will the boys find the group?

Comment what you think below:) Vote :D

Love you all

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