Ceylan x Reader pt.2- WHAT PARFAIT?!

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lol that image tho. (DOESNT FIT THE STORY BUT IDC :D)

Anyway I'm making a part two to Ceylan because trust and believe that so many are gonna be like "MAKE A PART 3!!" And "MAKE A CHOOKI OR BENI ONE :D" well I can't really ;; 

CHOOKI IS MINE. Beni is my sister (lol no jk) so yeah! But anyway ENJOY THIS STORY WHO EVER LIKES CEYLAN "AWESOME" JONES :DDD


Ceylan:Yo, *Y/N wanna hang out? There's no school due to the cold! Ain't that great!

You:Heck yeah! I would love too and IKR!

Ceylan:Woot! Can't wait to see ya! Let's head to Toxsa diner kay



Thought the conversation was short you enjoyed every bit of it, why? Because you were in love with him! It was only 8 weeks since you moved here. And you already have friends! Guren Nash was your best friend, Chooki Mason and Toxsa Dalton were friends as well but Ceylan Jones was on a whole mother level. He was funny and made you smile every time you heard he talk about Lime parfait or something like one of his jokes. 


You and 4 of your friends were talking about being  Tenkai knight, playing Games and just as Wakamei was about to take your order you and Ceylan went crazy "TOXSAAAAAAAAA!!" Ceylan screamed "WHEN WAS THIS ON THE MENU?!"You asked, on the menu as a dish called the "Blue and *Y/F/C Parfait" Toxsa knew about your little secret so you were blushing madly, it just so happen that Wakamei brought it over so you and Ceylan could try one problem THERE WAS ONLY ONE, Chooki went to were Wakamei was and pulled out his watch and was ready to take a picture, Guren when to the middle of you and Ceylan and convinced you both to confess The feelings that have been hidden back all this time. 

"*Y-Y-Y/N"Ceylan Started "It's all true...I-I LOVE YOU!!" He stuttered then he stopped he felt a pair of lips touch his. "BINGO!" Chooki said as he took the photo "Totally shipping"Toxsa added, then the kiss between you and Ceylan ended with you looking at him straight in the eye you confessed "I've only known you for 8 weeks...And I feel like I already know everything about you! But I don't...I Love you two Ceylan..!" Ceylan was red. But he hugged you anyway "I'm never letting you go..."He said holding you close within his arms. 

Wait...WHAT?!- Tenkai Knights x Readers TEXTINGWhere stories live. Discover now