Chapter Three: The Blood Trace

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Chapter Three

*Erza's POV*

I sped into the guild, not bothering to re-quip into my usual armor. This was too important. Up the stairs I flew, bursting into the guild's infirmary, and startling a little Sky Dragon Slayer.

"E-Erza-san! You scared me!" she said, clutching her heart.

"Sorry, Wendy. Listen," I motioned her closer. "Do you know if the guild has any blood trace magic? It's important."

"O-Of course we do. We use it all the time to find blood types."

YES! I mentally cheered

"Do you have some I could use?"

"Sure! I'll go get one." She turned and walked into the adjoining room. I could hear her rustling in the drawers.

Okay, I get a little of Levy's blood and test it with the magic, run her relatives back through the medical archives, and see if the problem is genetic. Brilliant, Erza, brilliant.

I wrapped up my mental planning as Wendy's footsteps pattered back into the room. She held a small box in her hands.

"Here, Erza-san. Do you know how to use it?" she asked.

"Yes. Thank you, Wendy." I replied as I walked out onto the balcony overlooking the usual fights in the guildhall below.

Now, how do I get some blood? I wondered.

I scanned the guild for Levy, and finally spotted her sitting at Shadow Gear's table with her nose buried in a book.

Somewhere in my mind, a lightbulb blinked on.

Since I was still in my Soaring Armor I decided to make use of it. I sped down the stairs, and flew past the Solid Script Mage creating a huge gust of wind as I did so.

The book flew out of her hands, and straight into the midst of Fairy Tail's daily brawl.

"No!" she yelled as she sprinted towards the fight. "Solid Script: Freeze!" She yelled.

The magic spread across the guild floor, freezing everything in its path. I raced back up to the balcony, successfully avoiding the icy spell.

I watched as she ducked and dived, trying to take hold of the small paperback as it slid across the ice.

My heart pounded. I was worrying about the bluenette's well being. Even though it was me who put her in the fight in the first place, I was beginning to have second thoughts.

I cringed as she barely avoided a Fire Dragon's Fist from Natsu. She managed to snatch the book and yell "I got it!" She released her ice spell and made her way to the bar.

Yay! She's safe! I didn't kill her by sending her into the brawl! I did a mental happy dance. How do you get her blood now, though?




Well crap.

"I-I-I gotta go!" She squeaked as she sprinted for the guild doors.

I've got it!

"LEVY MCGARDEN!" I yelled.

She froze. As did the rest of the guild, wondering what the tiny bookworm could have done to incur Titania's wrath.

I jumped off the second floor balcony.

The floorboards cracked under the pressure of my landing.

I pointed at Levy. "I will train you! Meet me at the train station in ten minutes!"

"Huh?!" she shouted.

"HUH?!" yelled the guild.

"GO PACK!" I yelled.

"H-hai." she whimpered and ran off towards Fairy Hills.

It didn't take long for a smaller bluenette to emerge from the second floor.



"Why do you wish to train Levy-san?"

"It'll be good for her."

"Can I come?"

I turned and stared at the small dragon slayer, completely shocked.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"It'll be good for me, too!" She smiled.
"Plus," she added, "my healing magic can speed up recovery. That means more training in less time."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I don't know, Wendy."

She unsheathed the dreaded nightmare that, only through years of training and practice, she and Levy had fully mastered. It was known through the guild as

'The Puppy Eyes'.

"You're very persuasive, you know." I said as I backed away from the brunt force that tore at my heart and soul.

She smiled as wide as Fiore. "I'll go pack!"

I smirked. This was going to be something for the books.

AN: Phew! This chapter was a toughie. I just couldn't get on a roll with it. I feel like Erza seems really OOC, but I needed her kinda trickster side to come out. I hoped you liked it! Please comment, predict, or something to let me know.

Thanks for Reading,


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