Chapter 16: Bothered Mind

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----------Kyungsoo's POV--------

One Maltese......

Two Maltese......

Three Maltese.....

Four Maltese......

Five Maltese.....

Six mal.....





Min Hyo.......


AH! UGGGHHH!!!!!! What's this?! I'm counting Maltese's to remove her from my mind but why did she suddenly emerge?! Why does she have to look so endearing and cute like a Maltese?! Why does she have to dominate my mind?! This is seriously infuriating!

And the prime question is...

HOW DID SHE AND SEHUN BECOME LOVERS THAT QUICK?! I have been thinking about this since the last two days... Since that time when we saw their.... Well.... Uh....

Lips touching...

That moment was very revolting and throbbing for me. And here I thought that Min Hyo likes me even for just a bit... Well.. I was wrong. I shouldn't have expected...

Because I ended up disappointed.

I mean come on... We all knew Min Hyo at the same time, as far as I know. Since when did Min Hyo like Sehun? She isn't that sociable and she's always that glum girl sitting on her chair and prevents herself from socializing as much as possible....

I'm seriously... very... jealous of Sehun.

Thinking of this, I let out a loud sigh.

"What's bothering you, Kyung?" Kai suddenly asks, waking up from his slumber. Wow. Was my sigh that loud enough to wake him up?

"Well... What's bothering me is Min and Sehun's relationship." I replied while tapping the table with my index finger. Our mentor isn't present and we have this time as self-study.

For your information though, even though we are the so called "Extraordinary Class" which contains real talented and smart people.... We are not that studious. I guess you can say that we were born with information's already on our heads. Snicker~

"Well, almost everybody is bothered with that though." Kai replies as he yawns without covering his mouth. I strike his head slightly. He looked at me confused with furrowed eyebrows. I glared at him and he understood it. "I'm sorry. I'll make sure to cover my mouth next time." He apologizes for the mistake he did.

"Where's Luhan hyung though?" I ask yet again, making our conversation prolong so as for me to be able to remove Min Hyo a bit from my mind.

"I think he went out looking for Sehun." He replies and goes back to sleep again. Aish. This guy is so futile to talk to. I want to talk with another human, but whom should I talk to?

Baekhyun? Nah... If I talk to him, he'll only boast about his chicks. I don't mean girls though. I mean literal chicks. He's got lots of them at their manor. I don't get why he's so fixated to chicks though.

Xiumin hyung? Well... I'm sure he'll only brag about how many "steamed bun" he can eat in a minute.

Chen? Oh no. Not this guy. I'm sure he'll do something outrageous to me again. Nope. I'm never going to talk to this douche until he apologizes for what he did.

Tao? He's okay.. But... I'm sure he'll only nod or shake his head. This guy rarely talks. He only talks to selected people, and I am not one of them. Well, he only talks to Shin Mye, Suho and Kris.

Lay hyung? Ah. Negative. He'll only talk about how he'll want to murder people especially Min whenever he has the chance. Nope, I don't want to talk about brutality and death. It's a "sensitive" topic for me.

Kris? Chanyeol? HOW ABOUT A NO. These guys are too tall for me to talk to. I know we are going to sit down while talking but I'm still shorter and it makes me sad. They're going to bully me again on how we three are able to make the letter 'M' with our heights. They say it's cute and appealing but for me its aggravating.

Kai is asleep, his usual thing. I don't even know how he became an EO student though.

Suho hyung? He's busy studying though. I don't want to disturb him. I think he is the only guy who is enthusiastic about studying. I'm sure he's just showing off to Shin Mye--- Ah!

Shin Mye! Yes! She's the most normal here! She's someone I can talk to! Why didn't I think of her?!

I quickly went to her place and smiled at her. She stopped browsing her cell phone and smiled back at me.

"Hi Kyungie!!" she says vigorously.

"Hi----" I was about to bid back my greeting when our next mentor arrived.

-__________- Just when I was able to find someone to talk to, you'll arrive?! MAN! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I THOUGHT HARD ABOUT WHO TO TALK TO THEN IT ENDS LIKE THIS?! YOU----

Ehem. Sorry. Forget what I said. I said nothing.

I went back to my sit and fixed myself. Our mentor is here already but Luhan, Sehun, and Min is still not here. Well, also that giant Chanyeol is not present. But I'm sure he's just somewhere out there with his "fiancée" as they call her. I wonder where Min is though.... I'm sure she's with Sehun. :(

Well. Speaking of the devils...

------------Author's POV------------

As Kyungsoo is thinking of Min and Sehun's current location, someone opened the door and two figures popped out.

And yes, it is You and Sehun. As usual, Kyungsoo's chest felt like needles are stabbing it, killing him softly. He can't do anything. He can only watch you as you're holding a hand that belongs to someone else.

That hand should've been his.

You and Sehun bowed in respect as they see the mentor is present.

"We're sorry for being tardy, Ms. Ha-Neul." You both said in unison. She simply nods at them as sign that they can come inside the class. Both of you went inside and sat on your proper places.

"Okay. So as you all know that Heart's Day is coming to its near date." She starts as everyone nods in agreement. "And as you all know, it's the day where girls give pastries or sweets to guys and guys give flowers to girls." She continues. "We have an activity for such event. The girls in this class need to make either pastries or sweets and guys need to give flowers to the girls." The boys smiles in glee as because their task is easier.

"But! There is a twist. The flowers need to be handmade." She adds making the jaws of the males drop.

"WHAT?!" they hollered all together. Ms. Ha-Neul simply smirked at them. "Well, it's unfair for the girls. It's hard to bake. You guys need to suffer to." She replies. All male sighs in disagreement.

"How are we going to make handmade flowers Ms.?! It'll take a very long time to grow a rose!!!" Baekhyun shouts in exaggeration.

"Stupid as always." Tao says making Baekhyun glare at him.

"Hm... We are going to do origami right, Ms.?" Suho asks. Ha-Neul nods in agreement and everyone sighs for the nth time.

"Okay so, I'll give you people time to discuss about this." She says and goes out of the room. Shin Mye goes to where you are silently sitting and bids you a greeting.

"Min Min!" she says delightfully. You look at her with a soft expression but not to the extent where you are smiling. You just can't smile right now, after knowing what happened.

"Are you alright Min? You look quite.... distressed?" Shin Mye asks with her cutesy of a voice. You forced out an awkward smile just so to stop her from worrying.

"I'm fine. No worries." You replied. Shin Mye smiled yet again at you.

"Oh yeah! Min! Let's help each other in baking cookies!"

"Is.. Baking cookies.... Mandatory?" You ask.

"Of course it is!! You need to do so!" Shin Mye replies trying to persuade you.

"But... I can't bake at all...." You whisper but loud enough for Shin Mye to hear it.

"Don't worry! This is my forte! I'll help you out! Besides, I'm sure that there are guys expecting to get some pastries from you, Min Min." She smiles slyly. You side your head looking at her in confusion. "Aish. You are such a turtle, Min." she adds as she scours in disappointment. You roamed your eyes around the room and saw Sehun sitting silently at his chair.

This is the unusual Sehun, the Sehun who makes you fidget in nervousness.

"Shin Mye, wait. I'll just go to Sehun." You proclaim. Shin Mye gave you a "thumbs up" indicating that she agrees.

"Sure! I'm a MinHun shipper! Go MinHun!" she cheers happily. You just sighed and went to Sehun's place. You stood beside Sehun facing him.

"Sehunnie...." you mutter his name. You squat down and looks at Sehun with seriousness filled in your eyes. "Can you please cheer up?" you plead. You just can't take the sight of Sehun being all sad, gloomy and depressed; looking like he lost a loved one. You want the ever so energetic and caring Sehun back.

Well Min Hyo... Ain't it satirical?

It's ironic how you are asking Sehun to smile again not knowing that...

You are the cause of his misery right now...


Ohorat guys! AN UPDATE! WEEE! XDDDD If you guys want to appear at the story giving something to a member of Exo, just comment down what you want to be called and the person whom you are giving it to! XDDDD

I just want this as a token of appreciation for you guys who are reading and supporting She's My Lady! <3

Saranghae guys!

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