1- Broken

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"I get a little bit overwhelmed, but I find you when I need you most"

Today was a good day or so I thought, but why was it a good day you ask? Well, firstly with the help of Ronnie I got into the cheer squad and now we both are officially River Vixens.

Ronnie convinced the redhead drama queen Cheryl that if she selected Ronnie she had to take me as well cause we were a package or Ronnie would quit. Cheryl took Ronnie up on that offer.
I honestly can't thank Ronnie enough for this.

Secondly, again with the help of Ronnie, Archie would be going as my date to prom which was tonight.

Archie had been my best friend from when we were toddlers in our diapers. Since then we both grew closer and became best buds. But over time, I fell in love with him but I was just too scared to tell him. Maybe I wasn't afraid to tell him, maybe I was scared of what he would say, what if he didn't love me back in that way. We always told one another that we loved each other since we were kids, but I don't know if he means it now or if he says it just out of habit, but me I say it because I mean it.

Thirdly, I decided that tonight during prom I would tell him that I loved him and explain to him which kind of love I mean.

I quickly got home feeling both excited and terrified as I had to get ready for tonight.
I took my baby-pinkish dress out of my closet along with the shoes I would wear.
I took a shower, waxed my arms and legs. Maybe tonight I met get a little lucky and lose it. I blush to myself with the thought of it and shake my head.
Oh Betty Cooper, you're such a naughty girl, my inner conscience mocks me.

I dry myself off and put a robe around me and go back to my room. I sit on my bed and dry off my hair and then glance towards my window to see Archie shirtless just browsing through his phone. He has definitely bulked up during the summer. His toned chest and the abs formed on his tummy, just give me tingles in my own.

As I am still staring at him, I zone back and see him waving his hand towards me. I quickly smile and close the curtains too embarrassed to know whether he caught me staring at him. Putting that thought away, I get dressed and style my hair deciding to leave it down and put some make up on, not to much just a little blush, lip gloss, eye shadow, liner and mascara to finish the look. I hear the door bell ring and my mother greeting Archie and inviting him into our house, I quickly take a look in the mirror again and take a deep breath in.

I spray some perfume and take my clutch, put off the lights in my room and head towards the staircase. I hold on to the railing and take my steps down. Archie and mother come into view, they were having a conversation but finally my mom stopped blabbering as she realized Archie wasn't paying any attention to her but his eyes were on me.

"Wow. Betty you look amazing." He compliments me.

"Aw. Thanks Arch, you don't look so bad yourself."

"Here's something for you." He says and takes my hand and ties the corsage around my hand. It was beautiful, pink in color which matched my dress.

"Thank you Arch. It's beautiful! I love it." I say and give him a quick peck on his cheek.

"Alright let's go then?" He asks holding out his arm.
I nod and hook my arm in his and we walk out the door.


The dance was already in full swing when we arrived there.
We walked in the beautifully decorated hall. I immediately spotted Ronnie and Reggie dancing on the floor she turns and sees me and waves at us.

"Go on ahead, I'll get us some punch." Archie says smiling. I nod and make my way towards Ronnie.

"Girl! You look totally fab. You are so gorgeous!" She says spinning me around.

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