Kiss me knot

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Reni pov

Where is he? We agreed to meet during lunch in the boys bathroom..

Heading to the school gymnasium I see my suppose boyfriend playing kickball with the other guys. I sigh inwardly and take a seat on the bleachers with my friends watching.

Everyone has their own idea of what a black girl should look like or be like but how they have it on Wattpad is not always the reality. Well, not mine anyway..

My name is Reni and I'm 12 going on 13 years old and I'm in the 8th grade. I'm a short 5'0 and bit chunky. I have skin a little darker than milk chocolate and short/medium length hair, fine permed hair might I add. And according to my mother and my big sister I don't have any fashion sense but I mean..what's wrong with wearing jeans, my purple hoodie and skippies everyday? I also wear glasses and I'm pretty much...socially awkward.

My boyfriends name is Clayton . He's white, kinda tall, pretty thin and the same age as me and is also in my ELA class. It was during ELA that he told me he liked me and talked to me about downloading Kik. He couldn't ask for my phone number cause well he a phone but didn't have service. I never had a boy like me before and of course when he said he did, I was beyond excited. We've been together for 3 whole days. We played 20 questions till we fell asleep the first night. That night we said I love you and for the first time..I felt content.

It was nice having someone I could talk to and call mine. I told him alot of things I had never told anyone before like things about my parents for instance. I don't know..I guess I just trusted him.

I refocus my attention on my boyfriend and smile at him as he played.

He's looks so happy its so cute.

Recess is soon over and we head out the door to leave. I find him through the crowd and walk beside him and my friends. We're close enough to touch each others hands. I slowly extend my hand out and try to hold his... for the very first time ever but he shakes it off and keeps on walking.

My heart tears a little bit but I try to brush it off and keep walking heading to my class. He probably didn't know I was trying to hold his hand maybe he thought it was someone else..

Time skip~

It's a little past ten and I've been texting Clayton since a little past 7. I didn't mention trying to hold his hand and he apologized for not meeting me in the boys bathroom so all is forgiven.


Clayton: "Hey..send me a picture of you without your bra"

My mind drew a blank..did he really just ask me that?

Me: Um...I..don't know...

Clayton: Hey, you trust me, don't you?

Me: of course I do..its justt..embarassing and...y-you can't show anyone

Clayton: I won't show anyone, I'll show you my dick if you show me your boobs?

I didn't want to see his....boyhood not really anyway but..I sounded sorta at least we were both vulnerable..right?.

I put laid back on my bed and pulled off my bra. My boobs sagging to the side not holding up and looking perky like I wish they would.

After messing with and angling the camera in different ways, I took the picture and hover my thumb over the send button trying to think through this decision one last time... Sigh...Hesitantly I hit send. Throwing my phone to the side of the bed.

What did I just do?!!?!?!

I grab my pillow flipping it over to the cool side and try to smother myself. And hopefully I'll knock myself unconscious. The cool side of the pillow does help cool down my heated face. The sound of my own heart beat pounding through my ear drum. At this points all I wanted to do was scream.

I waited for a reply but he didn't see it yet. The suspense was slowly but surely killing me. I start to panic and try to figure out a way to delete it.

Yes, I did it! Moments later he's back online and with my hand on my chest I try to calm myself down.


Clayton: "oh wow your boobs look so hot.".

But I..Didn't I just dele-

Clayton: Send me a pic of your pussy now. No panties 👅


Me: No..I'm sorry I can't...I can't do that..

Clayton: Come on, its just one little pic...fine you can do it with your panties on..

My heart dropped a little bit when he said that. I didn't like the thought of disappointing him so I took a deep breath and stuck my phone under my covers and pulled back my panties taking a few pictures without really seeing where the camera was aimed and sent them.

My phone then vibrated. He said my "pussy" was really pretty and was gonna masturbate to my boobs. I've never seen a guys..boyhood before and I've never seen a guy masturbate before either...

Remembering his part of the deal. I bite my lip and text back..

Me: So can I see your...dick?

Clayton: Um..well...yeah..but..

He then goes on to tell me that he dick is kind of small and not to tease him about it. I've never seen a dick before so I couldn't prejudge what was considered small or not. I told him not to worry about it and that I love so he could send the picture he did

I didn't laugh when I saw. Just stared in awe really. It was quite...a bit smaller than what I imagined. Like the size of an acorn really.

He asked me to send more pictures of my boobs and so I did caught up with the flattery and sweet nothings he texted.

So sexy. You're boobs are so big, I wanna put my dick between them.

The night progressed and he asked me to say hot things to him to help him cum faster and the first thing that popped into my head was Daddy.

After he had finished masturbating and he said he was gonna go to bed..of course I didn't want him to though...I had this weird.. urge.. like needy..urge feeling..


Me: I wish you would stay. I love you Daddy

I texted the words faster than my brain could process what was being said.

Clayton: You called me Daddy again.

Me: Is that a bad thing?

Clayton: No, it sounded hot.

Me: Really?

Clayton: Yeah now I'm gonna go to bed okay?

Me: Okay lolz. I love you Daddy. Good nite cx

Clayton: You too

I close my eyes slowly once again feeling..content. This was honestly the best part of tonight..


*time skip to next morning*


Clayton: Hey, um..this isn't really working out.. I'm breaking up with you.

Authors note: So what do you guys think?

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