We're Ponies?!

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Okay, so I don't really know anything about My Little Pony, and Ender suggested a story to me. I started reading, and I'm starting to piece everything together. So, hopefully I won't screw this up! Here's the update!


Portal's POV

Well, we're all ponies. This is great.

"My nose itches and I can't scratch it!" I yelled, finding out my hooves wouldn't work as fingers. "Ah, ah-CHOO!" I sneezed, flying backward into a tree behind me.

Everyone was laughing. I opened my eyes, and looked forward. I pointed my hoof at a mountain nearby. "Was that blue portal there before?" I asked. No one said yes.

"Portal, your horn!" Adam yelled at me. Everyone stared at my forehead. I looked up, and saw a horn, glowing blue.

"This is sweet! It's like the game!" I raised my front hooves in the air. I suddenly sneezed again, accidentally opening an orange portal underneath Ender, and making her shoot out from the side of the mountain.

"Now your horn is oran-" Mitch got cut off by Ender landing on his back. "Wow, you're heavy!" he complained.

"You callin' me fat?" Ender asked, earning a chuckle from me before she tackled me.

"Sorry to interrupt your discovery, but, who are you?" A light blue pony with a rainbow mane and tail asked.

I butted Ender off my back, and stood up. After I was completely on my four legs, Adam was trying to be funny. He rammed me into a tree, lodging my horn into the trunk.

"Adam! You son of Wheatley!" I yelled, trying to pull myself out.

"What does that mean?" Adam asked.

While trying to pull me out, Jerome said, "Wheatley is a moron. If she says that you're a son of Wheatley, that means she's calling you a moron."

Adam gasped, "Portal! Why?!"

"You rammed me into this darn tree, you idiot!" I screamed. Soon, I fell on my butt, because Jerome had pulled me out of the tree. Ender looked at my horn closely, and commented, "Now it's clear!"

I looked up, and my horn was completely invisible. "This is cool!" Then I realized that we completely forgot about the rainbow pony. "Oh, I'm sorry. These guys are complete nincompoops. Who are you?" I asked. I earned a nudge from Bodil, probably for the insult.

"Well, I asked first, but alright. I'm Rainbow Dash." the rainbow pony said.

"I'm Portal." I said.

"I'm Jerome." the fluffy looking pony said.

And all of the other ponies introduced themselves.

"Where are we? This doesn't look like Minecraft." I said.

Rainbow Dash had a completely confused look. "What's this 'Minecraft' you speak of? This is PonyVille."

I thought that this place was fictional! I didn't know it was actually real! I started hyperventilating.

"Portal, breathe. Just breathe." Jerome tried to calm me down.

I tried to calm down, but I couldn't. I passed out.

Yeah, I get overwhelmed easily. So, Ender, it's your turn! Hope you Enders and Test Subjects liked it! And I hope I didn't mess anything up. So, until next time, goodbye.


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