Chapter 2: The voices

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~ Several days later ~
She could never get recreational or medicinal drugs, even on prescription. Well, five overdose attempts prior doesn't leave much trust between her and the very petty Institute Management Team really. Although the use of drugs was impossible this girl always looked as if she was on a weed come down; even though I was told heroin injecting was her forte. Well, that's unless she had a secret stash under the floor boards. Either way she always looked like she was on something strong, she never was though. She was clean for months, as far as I was aware.
Her hair dripped with water, sweat, grease and blood; not fresh just slightly solidified. Her wrists however were always bloody as cutting seemed a regular affair. She used glass, plastic, wood, her own nails if it came to it; before they were all cut off for that exact reason. But this meant she was always bandaged up. I was always to scared to stop her, she was capable of unspeakable things.
As for the window, she threw herself out a few times. I couldn't leave her for ten minutes anymore.
God, I couldn't even have a safe lunch break anymore. I had to eat with her, which would be okay...if she ate.
The horrible thing about this all is she is lethal. She once stabbed a man in twenty seven places because she, "wanted a rush"...

This girl was strange. I just couldn't see clearly what it was. She would just sit there.

~ A few hours passed ~

As I watched her for a bit longer, I saw she began to mumble. She shook her head violently from side to side. "He's here," she whispered. She then began more and more distressed and flustered. "Leave her alone!" She screamed.
"It's okay. Calm do-" I said as I got interrupted.
"It's not okay, don't say that," she sounded like a young child in a temper tantrum. "I don't like it when you say that."
"Uh okay, if that's what you would like." I said submissively in surrender. I didn't want to stay anymore.
"Thank you..IM THANKING HER WHAT DO YOU THINK IM DOING." She shouted, now hitting her head with both hands.
"W-what's happening, would you like to tell me." I asked. I was making the most of her talking.
"He's coming, he wants you Rebec- I AM TELLING HER WHAT YOU'RE SAYING." She seemed frightened. I wanted to help some how but comforting wasn't an option.
"Don't underestimate him, he knows what he's doin- AHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed.
"Please-p-please don't. You're scaring me." I was now aware she wasn't hearing me. I just listened...I was too scared to move anymore.
"STOP. LEAVE HER ALONE. She hasn't done nout wrong!!" She screamed again, this time out of pain...

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