After the Attack

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Sorry I haven’t updated in while been busy with work. Ok so the bold and Italic is mind-link and the Italic is just spoken and I’m sorry if the confuses anybody.

Chapter 7

Kristi POV

My vision was blurry and I could hardly keep my eyes open. I could see a figure of someone coming towards me fast.  I knew I was M when he got to my side.

“Baby stay with me, keep your eyes open.” He cried. I could feel the fear and worry laced in his voice.

“I’ll t-try” I said weakly

“You need to shift back into you human form so the doctor can look at your wound. You’re losing a lot of blood.” He said with worry

“I’ll be fine; we just used up all of our energy.” I said

“But you still need to shift back.” He said

“I know. Can you put a blanket over me I don’t want anybody to see me naked.” I said

“Sure” he laughed

A few minutes later I was covered with a blanket and I shifted back into my human form andg I couldn’t feel Keran anymore. M picked me up and took me to the pack hospital. I fell asleep on the way there. When I woke up one of the nurses told me I was out for two days. I look down and saw my arm was all stitched up.

“Where’s M?” I asked

“Who?” the nurse asked back

“Michael” I said

“Oh Alpha Mike, he went to take a shower he hasn’t ate or slept since he brought you here. I told him you were awake, he will be here in a minute.” She said while wrapping my arm in a bandage.

M came in a couple minutes later and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

 ‘Wow the house is a wreck.” He said


“Don’t be all I care about is that you’re safe” he said with a half-smile. “But you guys did kick ass judging on the way the house looks.” He laughed

“Yep now you know not to piss me off.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m really glad you’re ok. I thought you were dead.”  I said looking down with tears in my eyes.

“I’m glad you’re ok too I don’t know what I would do without you.” He said and then kissing me on my forehead. “I love you so much”

“I love you too.” I said with a smile looking into his eye

“Oh by the way is Keran your wolfs name.” he asked

“Yep” I answered

“Can you talk to her now?”

“Nope but I can feel her deep down in the back of my mind. What does she look like?” I asked

“She’s pure white and almost as big as my wolf and just a beautiful as you are.” He said kissing me

Two hours later I was released from the hospital. On our way home some of the pack members we past smiled and waved and bowed their heads, some even ask I was feeling. They were all very kind and respectful. I guess word has spread that I’m the Alphas mate.

When we got home I went to get cleaned up and M made dinner. Well when I say made I mean warm up cause some of the ladies in the pack brought over some food. We both pigged out on the food until we couldn’t move cause of our full tummies. Not eating for two day sure does make the food taste ten times better.

As the night went on I could feel Keran but I couldn’t hear her that well. The later it got I could hear her more clearly. She told me not to let M mark me until I’m completely healed which would be in about two weeks and that I could hear her a night, the brighter the moon the longer I would be able to hear her.

When we were able to move again we cleaned the kitchen and went to bed in one of the guest bedrooms. We talk for a while and I told M what Keran told me. He told me his wolf was howling with happiness because now he could talk to her now. M pulled me into his chest and I fell asleep feeling loved and safe.

Vote, comment, share, follow and as always thanks for reading it mean a lot to me :)

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