Getting Her Back

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Chapter 5

Michael POV

I left Kristi at home as I headed to the training field but I'm worried about her. She didn't seem like herself when I left. I'm having a hard time focusing on what I'm doing cause I'm thinking of her. My day seemed to go slow but when the day finally ended I went home. When I got home I went to the kitchen to get some water and I found a letter. As I read the letter my heart broke into a million pieces. When I was done reading it I mind-linked all the warriors on duty to find her and to let me know when they do. I ran out the front door and searched for her sent. I could barely smell it. I followed it to the east boarder of the territory as I got closer one of the warriors said he saw her cross the boarder into the High Moon territory a few miles south from where I was. I ran as fast as my leg would go. When I got there I saw three wolves surround her snapping and snarling at her. She was on the ground crying and scared and I just wanted to go comfort her but I couldn't. I growled with anger, I wanted to kill the wolves for scaring her and making her cry. I was too focused on her that I did't see someone standing in front of me until he spoke.

"Hello Alpha Mike" he said

That's when I realized it was the Alpha of the High Moon pack . Alpha John.

"Let her go" I yelled

"What do you want with a human?" he asked

"That's none of your concern." I said angrily

"It is my concern when she come on to my territory with your scent all over her. So I will ask again. What do you want with the human." he said looking back at her

"Shes my mate. Now let her go." I yelled

"Shes your mate? Interesting." he said with a sly look "I will need to speak with her and don't worry no harm will come to her." he said walking away.

I couldn't help but worry. When he got to her he sent his warriors away. I couldn't hear anything they where to far away.

Alpha Johns POV

I walked to the human girl and sent my warriors away.

“What is your name?” I asked

“Kristi” she replied

“Nice to meet you Kristi, I’m Alpha John. This territory belongs to the High Moon pack.” I said with a gentle tone

“Oh sorry I didn’t know. I’m just on my way home so I would like to leave if you don’t mind.” She said with sadness

“May I ask why you are leaving your mate?” I asked

“Because I won’t be a good Luna and they probably don’t want a human Luna anyways. It’s better for them that I leave.” She said with a tear rolling down her face.

“But you are already a great Luna.” I said wiping the tear from her cheek “You thought of the packs needs before your own. I feel the need to protect you there is a connection I feel towards you. One of my ancestors was human before she met her mate. The stories that were passed down say she was born with a wolf spirit.”

“I have a wolf spirit in me too well that’s what the doctor thinks because I have werewolf cells in my blood.” She said looking down

 “Well if you do when your mate marks you will become a werewolf. The stories that were passed down say that you have to be 100% sure of what you want.  Are you 100% sure you want to go back home” I said picking her chin up

“No but…” was all she said before I cut in

“Don’t worry the pack will love you and some already do.” I said pointing over to the Alpha and to some of the Blood Moon pack that have gathered.  “So will you return to your pack or to your human life?”

“I will go back to the pack. He’s probably mad that I left I don’t know what to say to him.” She said

“He’s not mad he’s just worried about you that’s all and he’s scared that he will never see you again.” I said as we started walking towards the boarder.

“Thanks for talking to me I feel much better and I feel the connection to you too.” she said

We walked the rest of the way in silence.  When we got to the border she turned and gave me a hug. Alpha Michael let out a low growl.

“You’re so rude your growling at the one person who convinced me to stay.” She said angrily breaking the hug.

“Sorry I got jealous.” He said with a frown

“It ok the mate bond will do that to you.” I said

“Thanks for bringing her back to me” he said with a smile

“No problem” I said to him “If you need anything or you just want to talk just call me ok.” I said looking at her giving her my number

“Do you have your mate?” she asked me with a smile

“No” I said with a frown

“Oh when you find her I would like to meet her.” She said with a smile

“Sure I would love for her to meet you to.” I said

We said our thanks and goodbyes and we went our separate ways.

Kristi POV

I said goodbye to Alpha John and turned and walked back through the trees. M grabbed me and held me tight. I got a chorus of “welcome back Luna” and “don’t leave us again”. I felt so loved I started to cry and M held me tighter.

“Thanks guys” I said

M picked me up and carried me back to the house. He took me inside and he sat down on the couch with me on his lap.

“We need to talk about the letter you left me” he said

“Can we talk about it tomorrow I’m tired?” I said was a yawn

“I just have one question.” He said

“Ok one question” I said looking up at him

“Did you mean what you said in the letter?” he said with a blank face

“What part?” I asked

“The part about you loving me” He said with a smile

“Yes I meant it.” I said getting up and walking up stairs to hide my blushing face. “I’m going to take a shower and go to bed see you in the morning.”

I took a shower and got ready for bed. It has been a long day and sleep could not have come fast enough. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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