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This imagine will include some walkers and a person arriving at Alexandria (you) meet Carl and everyone else.. read the imagine to see everything else!❤️

I run through the woods, my leg had a huge cut on it from fighting walkers and I hadn't had food or water in over two weeks, I keep running killing walkers that I pass, I run and run and after a while I see a gate, I slowly walk up to the gate and look at it and knock to see if anyone is there, I wait a few minutes and then hear the gate unlatch, i sigh in relief and smile about the fact that there is actually a living person left on this earth.

As the gates open I see a boy "h-hello" I say out of breath, the boy points a gun at me and glares at me "who are you?! Why are you here?" He says putting his finger on the trigger, I look at him and slowly put up my hands "I-I'm just trying to find shelter" I say a little worried, he slowly lowers the gun and looks at me fore a minute, he sighs and opens the gates more "come on" he says annoyed, I look at him and slowly walk in, and he closes the gates behind us.

He looks at me and slightly smiles "so what's your name?" He says curiously, "it's (y/n), what's yours?" I say looking back at him "Carl.. I like your name" he says with a smile, I smiles a little "thanks.. I like yours too" I say with a smile as well, he looks back down and keeps walking.

We arrive at a house and I look at it "this is your house" he says pointing to it, I look at him shocked "wait.. I get my own house?" I say confused "well yeah.. we're not going to make you sleep outside" he says with a chuckle, I keep a serious face and look at the house, his smile fades away and he clears his throat "umm, there's a party tonight at my house" he says pointing to his house "everyone at Alexandria is going to be there.. you should come" he says as he hands me a key to the house, I take the key and slightly smile "I'll try to be there.. thank you" I say smiling a little , he nods and smiles "hey.. how old are you?" He says curiously "I'm 17.. what about you?" I say curiously as well, he smiles "I'm 17 also" he says smiling, I smile "that's cool" I say, "well it was nice meeting you.. I'll see you later" he says as he starts to walk off" I smile and wave, feeling awkward as hell, I sigh and walk up the porch.

I walk in the house and look around, I walk into the kitchen and immediately think of food I see a bowl of fruit on the counter and grab an apple and start eating it, I smile and eat it, it tastes like candy, since I havnt eaten anything in over two weeks, I keep eating and walk upstairs and keep exploring, I see a bathroom and slowly walk in, I turn on the shower and put my hand under the running water, i wait a second and the water starts getting warm, I smile widely and quickly undress and get in the shower, I stay in the shower for about an hour, it just feels so good, I get out and wrap a towel around me, I walk into the bedroom and look in the drawer and see clothes of all different sizes, I smile a little and grab some jean shorts and a red and black flannel and put them on, I walk back in the bathroom and see a brush and brush my hair, I walk back into the room and fall down onto the bed and smile, I hadn't felt cleanliness in years, it almost felt like the apocalypse had never happened

I hope y'all liked this.. I know I suck at righting imagines, oh well lol.. I'm going to try to write imagines daily, and maybe twice a day.. ENJOY!❤️

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