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This imagine will include jealousy, sadness and meanness and fluff.. hope you enjoy

// the next morning\\
I wake up and rub my eyes, I sit up and walk downstairs, I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple and eat it, I then walk upstairs and put on some ripped jeans and a tank top, i walk downstairs and walk outside, I look over to Carl's house (that is two houses down) and smile slightly, I start walking towards his house to see if he wants to go on a run with me, I walk about half way to his house and then see him and a girl on his porch, I stop and hide behind a tree and look at them, I watch them for a few minutes, then see the girl grab his face and kiss him roughly, I cringe and turn my head and feel my eyes fill with tears, I sigh and walk back to my house.

I sit down on the couch and start reading a book to get my mind off everything, I eventually fall asleep reading, about 5 minutes after I fall asleep I hear someone knock on the door, I jump up and sigh, I walk over to the door and open the door, I see Carl standing there and I cross my arms and look at him, he looks at me then down "what. Do. You. Want?" I say firmly, he looks at me and burrows his eyebrows "you seem like your in a bad mood" he says, I grunt "what do you want Carl" I say tilting my head "I was just curious if you wanted to go on a walk" he says running his fingers through his hair "why don't you go ask your girlfriend that question" I say closing the door, he stops the door from closing and looks at me confused "I don't have a girlfriend, what are you talking about?" He says confused "don't you dare tell me you don't know what I'm talking about" I say, he looks at me and slightly shakes his head and just stands there, I laugh annoyed "seriously? That girl you kissed on your porch? Duhh" I say really annoyed, he looks at me and covers his face with his hands "yeah.. you know, you could've just told me that you had a girlfriend" I say looking down, he shakes his head "she's NOT my girlfriend" he says sighing "wait.. then why did you kiss her?" I say confused "I didn't 'kiss' her, SHE kissed me" he says annoyed, I get super embarrassed "oh.. sorry.. I just-" I got cut off  "it's okay, don't be sorry" he says smiling a little, I look at him and smile a little "so why did you care so much about her kissing me though" he says with a smirk I look at him and blush a little "uhh.. I don't know.. I umm" I say not wanting to tell him I like him feeling like he won't feel the same, he grabs my face and kisses me, I'm super shocked but I kiss back, he slowly pulls away and puts his forehead against mine, I smile slightly and close my eyes keeping my forehead against his, he hugs me and sighs "I- I like you (y/n)" he says pulling away from the hug and looking down "I- I like you to" I say blushing, he smiles and kisses my cheek, I blush and smile.

I look over his shoulder and see the girl that kissed him walking up the porch, she angrily pushes him out of the way and punches me in the face, I stumble back and grab my bleeding nose, I look at her angrily "what the hell was that for?" I say, she smirks "for kissing MY boyfriend" she says, I look at her then him "Enid! I'm NOT your boyfriend! And that was totally uncalled for!" He says angrily, she grabs him and kisses him pressing her body against him, I cringe and look the other way, he pushes her off of him "stop! I'm not with you and I never will be!" He says slightly yelling, she smirks and bites her lip "you will be.. someday" she says, I look at her and she looks at me "and you.. little bitch, don't worry, I'll just fuck him for you" she says with a smirk, I cringe and look at her angrily, she winks then looks back at Carl "I'll see you later babe" she says walking off the porch, Carl looks at me and shakes his head and sighs "I'm sorry, she's a bitch, come on lets go get your nose cleaned up" he says walking inside my house, I nod and follow him, he walks into the bathroom and grab some medical supplies and clean my nose, I look down and sigh "what's wrong?" He says putting the stuff away "Carl.. you know, you can be if her if you want" I say looking at him "I know.. but I don't like her.. I like you" he says looking at me, I sigh and and look down "what?" He says, I sigh "we can't be together Carl" I say feeling sad "why not?" He says, I sigh "because, she'll hate me, and probably try to hurt both of us" I say looking at him "I won't let her hurt you, and if she hurts me.. I'll get over it" he says coming closer to me, I sigh and look Down "so? Will you be with me?" He says smiling a little, I look at him "of course" I say smiling, he smiles and kisses me, I kiss back and smile.

We both walk back outside and I kiss his cheek he smiles "I'll see you tomorrow" he says, I nod and smile "okay, see ya" I say with a smile, he smiles and walks back to his house

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