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Limitless Love
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"She's gone, Reiji. Escaped. Vanished."

Ayato paced the floors, his fists shaking ever so slightly. "She meant everything to us. And now she's gone!"

Laito gave off a sigh, then rolled his eyes. "Oh Jesus, will you calm down? You're making it worst for everyone else."

Shuu wasn't paying much attention, but his face looked worried for the first time in ages. Kanato hugged his teddy slightly tighter, his purple eyes looking duller by the moment. And Subaru....he hadn't spoken a word since Reiji had ordered everyone to meet in the living room. He'd actually been thinking of something, someone else.

The Sakamaki brothers all looked troubled when a knock from the door broke the silence.

"Oh, that must be bitch-chan." Laito smirked, adjusting his fedora so it was on backwards.

"Yours truly will answer it." Ayato was up at the door in a flash, and opened the door only to see another girl. Unfamiliar to all.

"Who are you?" He snared, clearly disappointed  that it wasn't his pancake at the door.

(Y/N) stared back at Ayato, her lips turning into a frown itself.
"I could ask you the same, Mr. RudePants."

Ayato groaned in annoyance and was about to pin the newcomer to the wall when Reiji (thankfully) stepped in, his hand firmly on Ayato's shoulder.

"That's not how we treat our guest. Now come, let me show you to the living room."

(Y/N) followed her rescuer, her ruffled hair piled upon her shoulders. Making a good first impression was hard. "If I may ask, where am I?"

Reiji stopped at stared at (Y/N) with his cool red-pink eyes. "Now, young lady, this is not the time for questions. We have much to discuss."

Laito sat up the moment (Y/N) entered the room, then looked directly at Reiji, then Ayato behind the two. "That isn't bitch-chan." He whined, frowning with distraught.

"Who's bitch-chan?" (Y/N) asked quietly, and all eyes focused on her.

"You have much to learn, young lady." Reiji replied. "And you may just be her replacement."

(Y/N) frowned again. "You guys need to tell me more things. For example, who's "she?"

Reiji was hesitant to reply, but before he could, Ayato jumped in.

"Yui Komori."

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(Y/N)= Your first Name :P
I'm so creative.

Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this first part! Vote for more! a couch potato :o
(Like me)

All names and characters belongs to Reji. Except you, dear reader~

Best regards,
Kawaii <3

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