My New friend :D Marvin!

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HEY everyone sorry for talking a while to upload! I am sorry if this chapter ends up crappy TT_TT

Anyways I may make a new cover for this story and remember to check out my other stories ^_^.

    Remember to fan/comment/vote XD


ps: There will be mistakes and sorry if I did TT_TT


     I can't believe he left me here with an old man!! He can be a rapist or a child molester!!! I am sooo leaving this place! I can't stand being here even though I've been here for like 15 minutes. Marvin won't suspect anything as long as I act calm and relaxed.....

     "Miss are you hungry...."

     "AHHHHH!!!" I screamed and went to a random room.

  "Miss I'm sorry I startled you!! Please come out I have to take care of you!"he said.

    Take care of me ,my ass!

    "Leave me alone old man!!" I shouted.

   "Who the fuck said I was old!!! I'm only freaking 19!!"he shouted.

   "Are you a human or vampire?" I asked.

    "Of course a vampire!"

             Just my luck... 

   "I'm sorry I startled you it's just that Alexander called me and told me I have to  take care of you,"he explained.

    His voice was sweet and deep! He seemed calm until I called him old. I opened the door and saw a really cute.. no a HOT butler!. What would this sexy thing would be working under that perverted vampire Alexander!

        He seemed shorter than Alexander but he was still taller than me. He has nice black hair and really bright blue eyes. The only thing that freaked me out is that he smiled and showed his two pure white fangs.

   "I'm sorry I startled you, are you hungry?I can make you something to eat," he asked me.

     "No thank you ,I lost my appetite after what happened today," I explained. I didn't feel like talking at all for what happened today. I can't be rude to him though, he's just trying to make me food and do his job.

  "I know... Alex told me," he said.

  "Why don't you say 'My master' don't butlers usually say that?" I asked.

    "Not me, He says it makes him feel old, He's only 24! Well 800... but he's not that old!"

 "You just said he is 800!"

    "Yes but he was turned into a vampire when he was 24 like I was turned into a vampire when I was 19, and I'm 400 years old."

      "Then you are a old man!!!!'"

     "No because I'm not a man, I am a vampire,"

        He has a good point right there.

    "Well I want to say I'm sorry for what happened to your friends and family...It must of been awful especially since it was on your birthday. Since you are going to be living wth us and your like part of our very small family I made you a cake,"

   "Realy! You didn't have to,"

   "So you don't want a rocky road ice cream cake?" he asked me.

    I can't believe he made me my favorite cake!

   "Ok I want some now!"

   "I knew you would, lets go andafter you're done eating we'll see what fun things we can do,"


      Marvin is a really sweet,caring,funny,fun,and a hot friend any girl could have.We played dance dance revolution on his playstation 2. I thought he would act like old fashion since he is very old ... kinda, instead he acts like any normal teenage boy. 

       Since he is still a teenage boy in appearance he is still pervb like I predicted. -_- like his master. I bet you Alexaander made him that way. It was pretty hard for me to stop staring at him since he is reall really cute! I mean who wouldn't stop staring at a hot guy!

         Since it was close being one I decided to go look for a room to be mine.

  "Marvin can you help me choose my room?" I asked him.

    "Sure let's go,"

    It was very hard to look for one! There were so many rooms in this mansion. I'm pretty stupid to not relize this is a mansion and there would be many rooms.

   We already looked at 34 rooms (I know alot right?) and none caught my attention....well the bed didn't catch my attention.All them were uncomftorble! It wasn't until I went to the last room and layed down on the most comftorble bed I ever layed on!!

     "This is soooo my room,"

    "No its not,it's Alexander's room, no one should be here,only if he asks you to clean it,"

    "Well he did say I can have any room I want! Too bad for him,"

  I was going to say more but Marvin looked tired, I guess vampire's can be tired too.

   "Why don't you sleep here with me?"

  He looked starled about my offer. "NO! I have my own room don't worry..."

     "I don't want to be alone! Please just for today, we are both tired and I had a terrible day. Please Marvin I don't want to be alone," I pleaded.

   He was thinking about it for a couple of minutes and said,"Ok just for today,"

     We both layed on the big king size bed and got really comftorble. Man I love this bed.

   I felt really lonely, even when Marvin is right next to me. I decided to hug him and I felt better.

      My eyelids started getting heavier and heavier and I drifted of to sleep. Though Marvins snores were getting on my nerves!


  Sorry for any mistakes I did!!! I was to lazy to check it! TT_TT I hope you liked this chapter!!! ^_^   remember to fan/vote/comment!!

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