Chapter four

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"Elizabeth? Where are you?" Questioned
my mother. "I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled. She immediately ran to the kitchen and her face was all flushed. "I'm dating Mr.Ernes," "The guy who is contantly telling me to turn down my music? That Mr. Ernes?," "Yes, that guy." I rolled my eyes and went back to washing the dishes. "He has a Son the same age as you, you guys could be friends," she said while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I rather not make anymore friends. I'm okay with just Elena," I replied removing her arm off my shoulders. "Well they are coming over for dinner tonight, he is bringing his son as well," I turned to look at her. "I'm going out with Elena today though," "Well cancel your plans," my face dropped. "I mean I do always hang out with her, I guess I'll just call her," not wanting to, I went to my bedroom and dialed her phone number.

* * *

"You seem a little off Elizabeth, what's  wrong?" My mom squeezed my shoulder and gave me a reassuring look. How am I suppose to tell my mom that I am having mixed feelings for Elena. I shrugged her hand off my shoulder and ran upstairs to my room. I just want to think that whatever I am feeling, is just a phase. It's probably because we hang out a lot. We just need time to stay away from each other. I threw myself on the floor and started contemplating about life.

* * *
"ELizabeth! Our guest are here!" I sighed and got up from the floor.  I dust myself off and exited my room. Going down the stairs and heading towards my mom.  There, I was greeted by old man Ernes. He looked at me up and down and gave me a fake smile. Does he not like the outfit I was wearing? I was wearing a black hoodie, with nothing underneath it but my bra and some ripped blue jeans. I also had no shoes because I'm not allowed to wear shoes inside the house. Behind Mr.Ernes was his son, he was so quiet and I couldn't really see his face well because he was looking at the ground. "Elizabeth, this is Mr.Ernes and his son Michael," I waved my hand at them and walked to the dinning room. Things couldn't even be more awkward. My mom made me sit across Michael, she wants us to be "friends." As if! I only make friends if they speak to me first, Michael in the other hand can't even look at me in the eyes. So this is going to be impossible. "So how is school Elizabeth?" Mr.Ernes asked me, while shoving food in his big mouth. "School is okay," I replied. "My son here is going to your school this school year," Michael shifted a bit. "Oh really? Well isn't that nice dear?" My mom nudged at my shoulder.

* * *
I was outside in my backyard. I was waiting for Elena to jump my fence any minute now. I just want to see her. Even though I saw her two days ago. My heart was starting to pound like crazy, holy shit! Why? I looked up to see Elena already in my backyard. "OMG! Lizzy!"  She came running towards me and her huge breasts immediately made contact with my face. "Elena! your boobs!" She stopped hugging me and removed herself from me. She had  dyed her hair again, this time she had dyed it pink. Her hands were stained with pink dye. "I liked you better with your hair black," I stuck out my tongue at her. "Shut up," she then out of no where started groping my boobs. "Where are they?" She smirked. I pushed her hands off my boobs and glared at her. "So why did you cancel on me?" Sitting next to me, Elena wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "My mom has guests and she wanted me to meet her boyfriend," "Ohh, Julia already found herself a man? What's his name?" I simply pointed at the house next door. She gave me a confused look "SHE IS DATING MR.ERNES!" I yelled. "OMG! THE GUY WHO IS CONSTANTLY TELLING YOU TO TURN DOWN YOUR MUSIC, THAT MR.ERNES?" "YES!" She then started to fake gag. "That's disgusting," she got up and started pacing around my yard and then she stopped. "OH MY GOD! LIZZY! We got invited to go to a party this Saturday," Elena ran to me and hugged me. "I want to go so badly! School is about to start and I know parties are restricted for you on school nights," she started to pet my head. "I don't know Elena, I'm not really good at parties," I was lying. "MENTIROSA!" "Now don't call me a liar Elena, I just don't have anything to wear," another lie. She was about to say something but she interrupted by my mother. "ELIZABETH- oh hi Elena? Did you jump the fence again?" My mom sighed and started shaking her head. "Could you guys please come inside?"
* * *
It was Saturday and Elena was in my room looking through my closet, searching for an outfit for the party. "I don't understand why you think it's okay for you to borrow my clothes," I said while putting on some fish net tights. "Lizzy, I just really like your clothes," she pulled out a tight long sleeve dress from my closet. "SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE THIS?" She yelled while already taking off her clothes to put it on. I turned my back on her and started to blush. I've seen Elena naked multiple times but I just don't really know what's up with me lately. I then put on my favorite ripped blue jeans over my fish net tights. "That dress has been there for over a month," after I finished saying that, she let out a huge gasp and then hugged me from the back. I could feel her huge melons rubbing against my back. "Turn around Lizzy! Look how gorgeous I look!" She stopped hugging me and took one step back. I turned around, Elena looked beautiful. It wasn't even fair. Her nice tan skin suited that gorgeous black dress. "You look like a slut," I bluntly said,Elena immediately punched my shoulder.

* * *
"Where are you ladies going?" My mom asked while standing by the door as she watched us put on our shoes. "We got invited to go to a party," "Is there gonna be any drinking?" "NO!" "You sure?" "I'm sure, I mean even if there was alcohol, we are both highly against it," my mom rolled her eyes at us. "I'm not letting you guys go if you don't invite Michael," "But mom! We don't even know him!" "Well he needs friends and I want you guys to help him socialize," my mom patted my shoulder and left. Once we stepped out the house Elena then started walking to Mr.Ernes house while I walk the opposite way. Elena immediately grabbed my arm. "Come on Lizzy! I really don't think inviting him is a bad idea," "He can't even look at me in the eyes! I've never heard him speak before!" We were already on Mr.Ernes porch. We both let out a huge sigh and knocked on the door. The door opened and we were greeted by a pair of gorgeous brown eyes. It was Michael. It was the first time I've ever seen his eyes. "Hi?" It took me too long to know that I've been staring for a good minute. I blushed and looked away. "Ummm, Lizzy and I wanted to know if you wanted to join us? We are going to a party about two miles away from here," Michael gave a shocked expression. "I mean sure but-" "Okay, put on your shoes! Let's go!" Elena didn't let him finish and was already walking towards her car. "Okay," was all he replied. I just awkwardly followed Elena, why am I getting all nervous?

* * *
It was 10:05 pm. We arrived at the party and let me tell you something, the party was HUGE! I've never seen so many people in my life before and I'm loving it! "let's go in! Brandon and his group are waiting for us upstairs!" Elena grabbed my hand and started dragging me inside. I turned around to see that Michael wasn't following us anymore, he was walking away from the the building. I yanked my hand out of Elena's grip and told her I was gonna go get Michael. I wonder if he really didn't want to come. Damn, now I'm starting to feel bad."Michael!" He turned to look at me. "What's wrong?" He stopped walking and let me catch up to him. "Nothing," he was lying. There was something obviously bugging him. "Liar," he was surprised by my answer and looked down. "I saw my Ex .." I didn't know how to reply to him. "Well, I want you to have fun, so come on," I hesitated to grab his hand, I then finally had the confidence to. "Come on," I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

* * *
We were on the second floor of the building with my friends. "Hi Lizzy!" All my friends yelled. I laughed and ran to them. "We've been waiting for you all night, where were you?" asked Brandon. "I was dealing with something," "Who's this?" Michael was awkwardly standing behind me. "This is Michael, he's uh- he's my Friend," "Are you sure he isn't your boyfriend?!" joked my cousin Anna. "No, he is just a friend," I made Michael go in front of me. He gave them a small wave and hid behind me again. "He is kinda cute," said Anna and her friend Blake. I turned to look at Michael, he was looking at the ground once again. "Let's play spin the bottle!" Suggested Brandon.

* * *
Michael sat next to me and Elena sat in front of me. She kept giggling because Brandon told her that the dress she had on suited her. For the longest time, Elena had the biggest crush on Brandon. Which obviously made me hate Brandon. Brandon's mom was my mom's best friend, so I had no choice but to befriend him. No one had to explain how to play this game, spin the bottle was easy to understand. So one by one, everyone was spinning the bottle. Anna kissed Michael on the cheek and Michael kissed Blake on the cheek. My friend Ruby spin the bottle and it landed on me. She blushed and lean in and gave me a slight peck on the lips. All the boys were whistling, fucking horn dogs. I rolled my eyes at them. Elena grabbed the bottle and seeing her hand touch that bottle made my heart beat so fast. She spin the bottle and we all stared at the bottle, waiting to see who it would land on. Once the bottle stopped. We looked up to see who it landed on. Brandon. She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. He scooted closer to her and cupped her face. I quietly excused myself and walked away from the circle. I need something to drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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